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A movie contrarian moment

I am somewhat puzzled about the extremely negative press about the movie "Catwoman". When I finally watched this movie as the Movie Network presentation, I couldn't see why exactly it was supposed to be so very bad, let alone some kind of worst movie of all time. I didn't experience this movie being any worse than, say, the first Batman films of which it basically was an updated version. Cinematography, sets, acting, plot, dialogue, special effects: everything was perfectly on the level of other contemporary movies. The only weakness that I can think of was the lack of a proper supervillain, and the fact that Sharon Stone's character unexpectedly didn't smash into pieces after her long fall in the end.

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You probably saw the better cut. When I saw Riddick's Chronicles, I thought it was quite good and couldn't understand all the negative comments. Then I found out that I saw the director's cut, not the actual theatrical version.

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