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A movie pitch

After the highly successful Matrix movie trilogy, it would be a waste to let the profitable franchise die. I wonder if the producers of Matrix have already considered creating a lower-budget, perhaps even straight-to-DVD, series of action B-movies set in the same universe, but told from the point of view of completely different characters. The special effects such as bullet time and acrobatic fighting kicks could be made as poor man's versions that we have already seen in countless TV shows after the first Matrix movie came out.

For example, we could imagine a buddy movie in which a stiff and proper Agent (played by some twentysomething actor with all-American looks) is forced to team up with a streetwise AI gangster (perhaps played by some motormouthed black comedian such as Chris Tucker) to achieve some common goal and protect the Matrix city against some threat, perhaps a group of some other Agents gone rogue. The Agent would be some kind of a new version and also new in his job, thus providing possibilities of T2-type humour and one-liners as the Agent gradually learns to understand and enjoy some aspects of humanity, crack a smile, make a joke etc.

An example first-act scene might be when the Agent goes to meet the black AI character for the first time, knocking properly at the door of his place, of course. AI gangster lets the agent in and they exchange some chitchat while the gangster is perhaps eating an apple. Suddenly and without warning the AI gangster takes an Uzi out of a drawer and in a cool fashion shoots at the Agent while still talking and eating the apple. The Agent, of course, dodges all bullets Agent-style. The AI gangster then puts the gun away and says "Anyone can put on a suit and glasses" as the Agent shows no emotion. After a few lines, the Agent might pull out his gun and shoot one round (intentionally nonfatally) at the AI gangster and say something deadpan that I can't come up with right now.

As the movie progresses from there, both characters would learn important lessons of life and the nature of reality from each other and become friends through various baptisms of fire. Humorous encounters with ordinary humans would bond the characters closer to each other. There should be at least one scene where a biker gang or some equivalent group of rowdies (idea: somehow involve a gang of The Sopranos -style human mobsters to the plot) wants to fight them. After some particularly important fight that ends with a massive explosion, the AI gangster could take the Agent to a bar to meet his friends, or perhaps even to his mother's home to meet his family and relatives, with hilarious results when the kids pester him with questions about what it is like to be an Agent and how they could grow up to be Agents.

Oh heck, I would see it, perhaps not in the theatre but at least when it plays in the Movie Network.


Have you seen the Animatrix?

I have seen Animatrix, but I meant that the B-movies would be done by some no-name actors and directors.

I hope that the scene I described wasn't from Animatrix: that would be weird. Many ideas that I think are my own I have learned somewhere else and then promptly forgotten their origin.

PS. Your blog looks nice, must take a closer look.

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