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The master of time

I can't remember how it was that I first found the Space Moose comic strip during the early years of the web. The strips are available in the Hack Canada site in a nice one-page format, for those of you not familiar with the strip. Start from the year 1992 or so, when the comic really gets going.

I participated in the reader competition in which you had to suggest a name for the book that collects the comics. I didn't win with my suggestion (can't argue with the name "Triumph of the Whim"), but I was still randomly chosen to win an autographed poster from the Space Moose election campaign for student council presidency. I kept that poster on my office door, and right now it hangs framed in our bedroom. My wife demanded the poster to be placed on a wall where the open door covers it, though. And of course I bought the book.

One-liners from Space Moose were somewhat popular among the members of the go boardgame club that I belonged to: not as popular as the lines from stalinist songs, but at least recognized anyway. I remember how during one card game, me and my partner for some reason recited the lines of the strips "Heads up, ladies!" and "Whore fury" while the other two players were trying to remember where those lines are from. Some other great strips that inspired one-liners are "2-to-1 odds on PKU", "Rumpleshithead", "The prof has a boner" and "Space Moose and the time machine". The strip "Political Science" from 1997 is probably no longer just a joke today.

"Fried Society" is another great comic that I fondly remember from the same era. It's too bad it had to end. I also notice that the author had a very short-lived blog, which is also a loss, at least judging from the quality of the postings "A Handy Guide to Anti-Television Elitism" and "The Passion of the Christ is the new Easy Rider".


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