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Icky fat pigs

One of the first and most beautiful feats of ideological jiu-jitsu that I ever saw was the article "In Praise of Sex Tourism" by Bart Croughs. The article uses leftist rhetoric of equalism to prove that sex tourism to third world is a good thing. I tried to later similarly use satire to explain in "My suggestion for an immigration reform" why leftists ought to support an immigration reform in which from now on, only young women are taken in as immigrants. After all, they are the most oppressed group of people everywhere, so they should be the first in line in all humanitarian effort.

I am not quite sure that I understand the leftist opposition of the mail order bride industry and Western men who use these services. Since Western women consider these men to be so defective for various reasons (too fat, too poor, too conservative) that they would rather die than marry these men, what precisely should these men do? I thought that the idea was that when women don't like some man, that man should know his place and never try to approach or hit on these women, because doing so would be sexual harassment. But curiously, when these men then ignore Western women completely and go elsewhere to look for wives, that is also wrong. These men just can't seem to win no matter what they do.

So which way do you want it: are these men supposed to hit on Western women or not? If your answer is that these men should remain invisible to Western women, this doesn't exactly leave these men very many options, other than dropping out of the marriage market altogether. Of course, all the progressive and self-righteous leftists reading this should here note that there is a word that refers to someone who believes that defective men should not marry and breed at all. Do you know what this word is? (Actually, there are two words, where the milder one starts with "e" and the harsher one with "n".)

But perhaps the societal attitudes towards these men are slowly changing. For example, there is a trailer for a new movie "Phat Girlz" in which an American who the opposite sex considers extremely unattractive and undesirable goes to find an adoring partner in the third world. Judging from this trailer, the movie doesn't seem to consider this to be a bad thing at all, but a beautiful romance. The trailer does not condemn this character for being "selfish" or "oppressive" and suggest that this person should instead go through a diet and other appearance improvement to become more desirable in the eyes of the opposite sex here in the rich West. I wonder what makes this enormous difference here... hmmm... I just don't seem to be able to put my finger on it...

Joking aside, I am sure that the fat acceptors already enthusiastically wait for this movie. This is so funny, since at least based on this trailer, this movie is... whatever the exact opposite of "fat positive" is. For starters, the main character, who is an extremely obese woman, seems to hold perfectly mainstream views on what kind of men she herself considers to be most attractive. She does not lust for the "big handsome men" that are these days so abundant in the USA, but believes herself to be virtually entitled to a muscular and handsome man. So I can't help but note that the movie producers can't seem to decide whether fat people as attractive and handsome as slender and muscular people, or not. We seem to have two conflicting messages here, one for women and another opposite one for men. Could this be so?

Of course, fat acceptance movement (or whatever "size acceptance" it bills itself these days, even though "morbid obesity acceptance" is technically the most accurate term) is for very simple reasons that anyone can infer in less than a minute acceptance of fat women. Can't give those fat dudes any ideas of them being entitled to anything, you see. And of course, not all leftists have received the memo about the fat acceptance yet. In America you have Morgan Spurlock, and in Finland, the number one feminist writer of the Finnish blogosphere seems to be quite an avid fat-hater. I remember especially well one of her articles in which she described seeing an obese Finnish man who had a much younger and slender Thai woman in his arm. For some reason, this sight made her really angry, when she thought of that man "oinking" on top of her. I guess she just can't imagine that a young and slender Thai woman could be more "inclusive" and "accepting" towards fat people than she is.

And of course this movie is a comedy, and comedies don't exactly always go for realism. After all, the fat acceptance movement is inherently pretty comical, when you think about it, and would give material to a dozen side-splitting comedies. Seriously, tell me, what is not funny and mockable about a man who would consider these women to be attractive?


Many of those mail order bride outfits are just scams. The men who are reduced to having to deal with them not only don't get wives, they usually end up losing all their money.

Iron Rails & Iron Weights

I don't think fatness is interesting enough to justify so much commentary but good blog overall.

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