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Amateur night at the Starbucks

Not very many television shows succeed in entertaining me any more, so I occasionally look for new shows that I don't know of and would be better. Fortunately, the Personal Video Recorder has an interactive menu of shows that I can browse. I have had my eye on two shows which, based on their names, sound interesting, but I have never been able to watch or record them. First, there is "Blackout in Effect", which I guess is some kind of black entertainment and variety show, perhaps with a Dave Chappelle -style edge of something like "We be in full effekt, bitch!" Since I'm not that familiar with black comedy but I have heard that it is different and good, I would like to see this show, but just never seem to be able to receive it. A second show that similarly interests me is "Off the Air", which I guess is also some kind of offbeat, alternative comedy show. But alas, I never seem to be able to catch that either.

But at least there are some shows that I get to watch. I recently watched the Comedy Central roasts of both Pamela Anderson and Denis Leary. This choice of roastees is interesting, since if I had to name the number one totally overrated TV personalities of both sexes, these two would at least be in the short list. I really can't say "untalented" since both Pamela and Denis necessarily have to be extremely talented to be where they are now, as is established by the fact that my readers recognize their names. It's just that as their talent demonstrates itself today, I just can't see it.

First, Denis Leary. I bet that lots of viewers think that he is really "edgy" with his cursing and smoking and saying that everything is stupid and he is outside the mainstream, which, as far as I can tell, takes absolutely no talent at all the way he does it. I once read that profanities and below-the-belt jokes are the number one sign of an untalented hack, but never really understood how true this is until I saw Denis Leary's act. Perhaps his act was different and better when he was younger, but when I watched his Christmas special last year, I was actually embarrassed how completely untalented he was. There was absolutely nothing in his act that any bar drunk couldn't reproduce after a few beers. Or maybe he just acts better in that fireman show, I don't know.

Then, Pamela Anderson. The woman used to be hot maybe ten years ago, but certainly isn't any more. I really don't understand what is going on here. Maybe her agent and manager make her keep up the act even though she has become this embarrassing Angelyne-style womanoid thing who needs a ton of makeup and shadows-b-gone lighting and photoshop to look good --- well yes, all models do, but nowhere as much and as obviously as Pamela. When hot twentysomething actresses grow older and turn thirty and forty, they should just accept this and change their act and appearance accordingly, otherwise it's just embarrassing.

As for Pamela still being some kind of "sexiest" or "the most desirable" woman in the world, I bet that in any major North American university you could find at least a hundred female students who could be dolled up to look better than Pamela under the same conditions. Let alone in Hollywood. Seriously, if Pamela had worked in some normal job and started her modelling career today looking like she does now, how well do you think she would fare?

I know that some people believe that women become more attractive with age, so I might be committing some kind of sin of political incorrectness here. For example, I was once told by some leftist that Raquel Welch (who is 65) is more attractive and much sexier than most twentysomething women, and especially Paris Hilton who is really unsexy, since all men say that they would never have sex with her. (After all, it is the most unattractive women who get paid a lot to act super-sexy in softcore porn burger commercials.) I naturally disagreed with this absurd claim, since finding a twentysomething woman who is more attractive than even the most attractive 65-year-old woman anywhere in the world is not exactly a difficult task. Old women are just plain old ugly. Even if the average twentysomethings had to compete against the best-looking 50-year-old woman in the world, the contest would be over the moment these women had to reveal their necks.

It is interesting to learn that the upside-down ideological circles of leftism, opinions I thought were perfectly commonsense and mainstream are actually controversial. I always find it delightful to dig through this soil and make the leftists reveal more of these absurd nuts for me and the other people to enjoy. I doubt that even most anti-leftists of the blogosphere fully understand how far the pomo leftist thinking currently sailed from the common sense.


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