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Ooh, chocolate half off

The building where we rented an apartment before moving to our current place was rapidly going downhill around the time we were moving out. There were quite a few teenagers living there and they constantly brought their chums to the hallways, gym and the indoor pool. I guess the indoor pool was a popular makeout place for these teens, since I heard that many times some residents tried to go in there but couldn't since the door to the changing room was locked. Your guess of what was happening inside is as good as mine. The last straw for me was when somebody broke into our storage locker and stole our stash of chocolate that we had bought from sales after Valentine's day, Easter and Christmas. It was probably a hundred dollars worth of chocolate, so we were pretty angry about it. Just as bees will swarm about to protect their nest, so will I "swarm about" to protect my nest of chocolate eggs.

In this new place, we don't need a storage locker since our bedroom closet is so big. We don't have that much stuff anyways, since unlike most people around here, we don't have a hoarding syndrome. But we do keep a stash of chocolate back there, and this morning we went to Wal-Mart to buy some Valentine's day candy that was half off. I guess that this year the local Wal-Mart had not overstocked this candy, since there were only a few shelves offering it, while five big shelves were already full of various Easter-themed chocolates. The actual shape of the chocolate is not that big a deal for me, since it all gets into the same shape in my mouth and digestive system anyways.

When we were walking the few blocks to Wal-Mart, we were happy about the warmth and the complete lack of snow around here. When I noted that warm weather and lack of snow probably save the city and its people quite a lot of money, my wife started wondering how the people who plow snow are faring these days. But that's the proper fate for people who make their living off other people's misery, we both laughed.


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