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They won't wait, they won't rest, they attack continuously

Finland and the other Nordic countries are often considered ideal examples of equality between sexes, but that's not really true. Few people outside these countries really know how bad women really have it in these supposedly enlightened and equality-loving countries, since the patriarchy cruelly oppresses women at every turn. For example, in Finland there has been talk of changing the criminal law so that there would be different "degrees" of rape the same way there is for homicide. The reactionary phallocrats clearly can't even understand that all rapes are always maximally serious because they completely destroy the victim's whole life. In a blatant disregard towards women's rights, many rapists go free.

A few days ago there was a news report that illuminated perfectly how bad the Finnish women really have it these days. I can't find a link to an English translation of this article, but I'll explain it here to the best of my ability. The salient facts are simply these: Two Finnish men were criminally charged of beating up their sister with iron bars since they didn't like the man who she wanted to marry, trying to make her marry a close relative of theirs instead. This whole thing is disgusting and depraved, especially when the men explained to the court that controlling female relatives like this is a part of their culture and religion. The court apparently accepted this explanation, since both men were given only light suspended sentences. As if we didn't need any more evidence how depraved the Finnish culture and religion are.

I know that my Canadian and American readers will find this incident and especially the light sentence absolutely astonishing: a slap in the face of human rights and equality between sexes. But this is the way it now apparently works in Finland! Women are second-class citizens who have no rights of their own, but a male patriarch gets to make the decisions for them. And now this system has the official approval of courts.

Fortunately, there exist quite a few leftist and feminist organizations in Finland that have, at least a few decades ago, been very noisy and active in making women equal with men. However, when I tried to find any of them condemning this particularly egregious incident and calling for the resignation of that misogynist piece-of-shit judge, for some reason I just couldn't seem to find any. Not even one. There is nothing but total silence. This is very strange, since in the past these organizations and individuals have always raised a great ruckus for slights and offenses far smaller than this incident. And even worse, even the Finnish feminist blogosphere is silent. I can't think of any other explanation for this than that the Finnish patriarchy must have finally forcibly silenced these courageous women. If this is true, things have gone downhill too far too quickly, and something must be done to help the oppressed women in Finland so that they don't slide even further into a second-class citizenship.

For this reason, I am calling the international community and blogosphere for help. I am ashamed to disparage my native home country where I come from, but I don't really have a choice, since together we can shine the light of truth to Finland to help their oppressed women. I propose that we boycott Finland until they change their ways and their whole culture to better protect women's rights to physical autonomy and safety.

Please help me, blogosphere, to get this serious message of distress across. To give this appeal a wider publicity, I have submitted it to the next Carnival of Feminists, but I am asking that people of all political stripes to join in. Let's make it clear to the Finnish patriarchs once and for all that we reject their woman-hating!

1 comment

This is absolutely horrific! Is there no decency?

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