Testify, brother
Tommi's latest post "Torino 1889" is so good that I would like to translate it here for the international audience:
All people should be aware of the Hedonistic Imperative rather than moronic theories of ethics or religions that are still force-fed to them. It's just stupid that people can't simply choose what emotions they experience.
Of course some people will argue against this. Especially people who benefit from scarcity. A good example of this is the sex trade. Feminists try to form a cartel that women (at least the feminists) could use to maximize the benefits they extract for providing sex, with strikes and boycotts. Religiosity is another union of sex trade. It bans screwing without permission of the institution (sanctions and directions of bans vary, of course) and the members who are productive for the institution are rewarded with this scarce resource.
Ever since I got this idea a while back, I can't even think about religions and feminism as anything else than prostitution cartels. They are scuzzy memetic machines that use jargon and obscure irrational doctrines to cover the fact that they are incompatible with the Western concepts of freedom and justice. People who have read religious or feminist texts recognize the style. However, in the civilized world these ideologies are not really that harmful. Perhaps they are at the same level of annoyance as drinking and driving, or spraypainting walls.
At the point when anybody can control their emotions and pleasures directly with a button installed to their forehead, all these problems vanish permanently. Plasma televisions, video games and availability of alcohol in convenience stores has already crippled these ideologies more than any imaginable political act could ever do.