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Watch out Spidey, or the Magnetoid will get you!

I remember when I first found out that the Editor of the conservative magazine City Journal is named Myron Magnet. Isn't that guy some old Marvel or DC comics character? Joking aside, would you believe that from that name alone, I immediately guessed not only what the man looks like (including the sideburns), but also that he "lives on Manhattan’s Upper West Side"? It almost feels like I have attended his dinner parties for years, I can imagine them so vividly. Jesus, I haven't seen this much information compressed into just a name since "Gertrude Himmelfarb", another conservative character who is apparently precisely like her name suggests.

Speaking of City Journal, I recently linked to Kay Hymovitz's excellent article "Marriage and Caste". This topic is currently relevant in Finland since the parliament is debating whether lesbian couples and single women are entitled to artificial insemination. A popular Finnish blog "Näkymä rannalta" linked to both my post and a post of a Finnish Green MP Jyrki Kasvi, who happily claimed that it makes no difference whatsoever for the future prospects of a child whether he has both mom and dad, just a mom, or two moms, or two dads. Right. Allow me to be slightly skeptical about this claim.

Reading through some other writings of Kay Hymovitz, I found another great article "Why Feminism is AWOL on Islam", which very convincingly explains why none of the three major branches of modern Western feminism is able to say or do anything about the way Muslims treat their women.

After finding the treasures that Dalrymple and Hymovitz are, I am sure that the author list of City Journal would contain several other writers of similar quality. Perhaps I need to go and find out!

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Myron's got to be the only conservative living on the Upper West Side.

Iron Rails & Iron Weights

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