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A million little pieces of chocolate

Recently the feminist blogosphere was up in arms and howling in holy rage for the fate of Nia, a mentally ill beautiful teenage girl who the evil phallocratic doctor took off her meds since her meds were working but making her obese. Better to be pretty and crazy than fatty and sane! Could feminists even in their wildest dreams hope to get a better example of how the patriarchy uses the beauty myth to oppress women in the evil Western culture? No way. Clearly, once again, socialism is the answer!

But there is one little problem with this lovely just-so story: It turns out that Nia doesn't even exist. Nia was made up.

This little detail probably doesn't matter much for the crowd that still whines about the increased domestic violence every Super Bowl Sunday, though. Story of poor Nia will probably make rounds forever, emerging every time some feminist needs a good way to prove that men must pay her tribute and compensation because other women were oppressed everywhere. The only question left is who will play Nia in the Lifetime movie of the week, and whether the storyline will include the doctor raping her.


The issues the story describes, and the various blog threads discuss, are very real. I know -- I had to deal with them when my ex-gf was diagnosed with a schizoaffective disorder.

I cannot even begin to comprehend why hospitals perfectly aware of the weight gain side-effects of these medications do not carefully control patient food consumption. It is absurd that I had to independently research the subject and give her advice that should have been coming from her doctor. post took issue with the portrayal of madness, and critiqued the posts you lump with me.

What's with the hate-on for feminists?

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