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Almost anything goes

A while ago flipping through the channels during the commercial breaks of some show I watched, I noticed a documentary "San Francisco Vice" that was playing on A&E. Now, I am not sure if my mental concept of San Francisco is at all accurate, but I would imagine that working the vice squad in that particular city would be an... interesting job.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I have understood that San Fran-sissy-co generally holds the philosophy that all sexual acts that take place between two or more consenting adults are good and must not be judged or hindered in any way. So it is kind of difficult for me to see what a vice squad could even possibly do in that town. Despite this, the policemen depicted in this show certainly did not seem to have a lax and freedom-loving attitude about sexual freedom. Well duh, of course the freedom to do anything you want sexually between consenting adults does not apply to white heterosexual men who like to have sex with women. Silly me.

It is fine and OK for some guy to walk around in public in diapers and gas mask and we must all applaud how bold and transgressive he is, but it's definitely not OK for a woman to consent to have sex with a man for money. Right.

Speaking of San Francisco, I recently noticed that their columnist Mark Morford who is so beloved by leftists for his columns that viciously attack and mock the boring normos and defend all kinds of alternative depravity, recently made the mistake of penning an anti-obesity column. Of course he tried to make it a punch to the gut of the hated Middle America whose residents tend to be somewhat heftier than the coastal urbanites, but the result wasn't exactly what he aimed for. Careful there, Mark, your homosexuality will only protect you so much from the ire of your fellow travellers. As a gay man you know perfectly well that it is good to be slender and muscular, but the lesbian community whose members are usually on the losing side of a battle against obesity will not tolerate your rabid intolerance. Don't you know that there is nothing wrong with anything, that morbid obesity is wonderful, and that you are just trying to impose your patriarchal lookist and sizeist oppression on others to make them feel bad about themselves?


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