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Red carpet, red hammer

I remember when I was asked to do the task at the end of the page "Too F'ing Weird" in junior high. It is interesting that this works the same way for people in English-speaking countries.

One thing I have never done even though I have been wanting to do it ever since moving here is buying a whole bucket of chicken. We thought that we could finally scratch this off the list of things to do since it's the Oscar night (hey, any excuse is as good as any), so we walked to Popeye's Chicken located nearby. Which is another thing that we haven't done since moving here, when we ate there once after getting our own rental apartment. It almost feels like spring outside, so it was fun to walk around a little. And later this week, the temperatures should rise even higher.

The place was jam-packed with people, and at least this particular restaurant seemed to be popular with the Muslim crowd, both as customers and employees. This might have something to do with halal requirements, but in any case, it's good chicken fast food for reasonable price. Unfortunately, they didn't sell buckets of chicken, only boxes, so I'll have to leave that later for KFC. (To my disappointment, Chinese food also never seems to come in those rectangular boxes that we have become familiar with in TV shows.) So we merely purchased two regular meals for dinner.

After dining, we walked to a little Middle Eastern supermarket which is in the same building to get some ethnic groceries for next week. I was afraid that the place might be closed since it's Sunday and already past six PM, but the place turned out to be open until 11 PM every day. We got all kinds of samosas and other baked goods for next week, and for tonight, we picked up a few cans of pop from a brand that we have never tasted before, just to try them once. Who knows, it might be good. I picked up one can of pear pop and one can of strawberry pop, and one can of malt beverage which is decidedly non-alcoholic.


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