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But please don't say "weeaboo"

According to Blogger dashboard, this is the two hundredth post in this blog. According to SiteMeter, this blog gets roughly 400 readers each day, plus of course the uncountables who read the RSS feed. When I try to visualize this crowd, it's pretty huge. Not massive, but significantly more than the average blog gets, so I should thank the fate for that.

Many other blogs have some kind of "Open thread" posts, but I have never had one. So perhaps I could try it, while this blog is still young, asking my readers, especially those I don't know from the days of my Finnish blog, to tell me why they are reading my posts. Is there something that you particularly like or dislike? Do you have any useful suggestions of what I should write about?


Me: car-eschewing non-smoking libertarian conservative rss lurker from Stockholm. Found you through Steve Sailer. Looking over your sidebar lists of yeas and nays, we are in pretty general agreement on things, though I don't much care about salmiak (like it, rarely eat it, wouldn't much miss it) and - utility be damned! - I think space travel is plain cool. I've been enjoying your posts and appreciate the stuff from the Danimal and the "Finnimal". Sorry the latter doesn't do any writing in English or Swedish. I don't much care about the nuts and bolts of IT and I rarely watch TV, so such posts go unread. Glad to make your acquaintance.


The political nominations are interesting.

Is it possible, that a communist could be nominated to a big boss in other western countries than in Finland?

I read your blogs because they are intelligent, funny and have very entertaining links. I usually skip the parts about compilers, but that's because I've done compiler optimization for a living and it's not a happy memory.

Found you originally by following a link to danimal archive (liked it) from somewhere you commented, can't remember exactly where. I like your writings and as an ex-leftist I particularly enjoy the ones about leftist hypocrisy.

Oh, and the great links. Thank you for endorsing Theodore Dalrymple and Steve Dutch. Good stuff.

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