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Nothing in life makes sense except in the light of The Danimal

Theologicians and philosophers alike might find it useful and educational to ponder the following question phrased by the Danimal:

You may have noticed that Native Americans are less likely to believe in Jesus than African Americans. Most likely this is because white slaveowners forcibly uprooted Africans from most of their cultural heritage, making it easier to brainwash them with European Christian heritage. Given that a higher percentage of African Americans than Native Americans are Christians today, if slavery is responsible for much of this difference, would you say slavery was worth it, in light of the millions of African American souls who have been spared eternal damnation?

Perhaps somebody should send the same question to the "God Squad" of the Raving Atheist fame.

In the Danimal Archive, I finally got around to compile and post the sixth batch of quotes from the Usenet postings of the Danimal. Here's to hoping that he will eventually move to this century and start his own blog, instead of sharing his thoughts in the dying and obscure Usenet.


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