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I'd like to report a crime in progress

(I am cutting the following part out of the previous mishmash into a post of its own, edited a little.)

The post "Is Some Child Pornography Okay?" asks whether possession of a hand-drawn fantasy images of children in which no real children have been used as models should itself be a crime. I once wondered about the same thing, but from the angle that in most cartoons, the age of characters is usually not at all obvious from the character itself, since everybody is basically just a bunch of blobs, and the age comes from the surrounding context. To pick an example that all my readers are probably familiar with, suppose that you had never seen the show "Family Guy" so that you didn't know anything about the characters, and then you were shown a picture of Meg, without any other information about that character. How exactly could you tell if Meg was supposed to be 12, 16 or 21 years old?

This problem is even more evident in manga, where pretty much all main characters are drawn the same way from the age 10 to age 30 or so. For example, I have no real idea how old Ranma and his various friends are supposed to be. Is Ranma a teenager, or a young adult? And speaking of actual cartoon porn, how about the characters in "Sexy losers" (NSFW) ?

One of the reasons why I support drug legalization is that the harsh drug laws make reality much more fragile by providing such an excellent means of destroying innocent lives. It is prohibitively difficult for stalkers and haters to frame innocent people for most crimes, but this is not true for drug possession or child porn, for which the threshold of difficulty and effort needed is significantly lower. Especially when we consider the consequences of successfully doing so. It's a bit like in the Soviet Union, if you didn't like somebody, you'd just make one anonymous call to authorities that he is against socialism and the revolution. Almost like having a raygun to disintegrate people you don't like.

Whenever I read about the draconian drug laws of Singapore, I always wonder why it isn't more common for angry stalkers to ruin the life of their target who is travelling there by sneaking a little bag of heroin or cocaine inside their luggage. Of course, to ensure their success they could place an anonymous phone call to the Singapore customs authorities after the flight has taken off. If you really hated somebody a lot, this would be an absolutely excellent and sadistic way to destroy their lives and torture them until they die. And remember, the only protection against this is the fact that it's relatively hard (but nowhere near impossible) to put anything inside somebody's luggage without them noticing you. Have a nice trip!

Physical reality is a bitch, but at least in this case it protects the good people a little. However, with computers and Internet, physical constraints are not an issue, since a malicious hacker can pull all his stunts safely sitting at his desk and then erase all tracks afterwards. I just can't understand why it isn't much more common for evil people to ruin lives and reputations of other people by hacking (or getting some fellow traveller who has sufficient computer knowledge to hack) into their computers and uploading a couple of child porn pictures there (just create a folder somewhere where that person is unlikely to look), and then make a anonymous call to the cops.

There is the problem of where you would get the child porn pictures for this purpose, but this probably isn't much of a problem for a seriously motivated stalker. Besides, these days a photoshopped picture of Meg Griffin in the buff would be legally considered child porn and worth hard time in the asspounding slammer. Even if you didn't get a drastic result like this, the investigation and the news reports about it would still ruin the accused person's reputation forever.

When I think of all kinds of "hacktivists" of the leftist stripe out there, I really wouldn't put it past them to do something like this to their ideological enemies. They could easily destroy the opponents of the Noble Cause without a slightest remorse, since the leftists don't really care about morality or anybody's lives, not even their own. The only explanation that I can think of is that they simply haven't realized that this wonderful opportunity exists, but when they do, you'd better watch out. And just like with all computer crime, all it takes is one or two malicious people to do this, since the Internet amplifies everything. The net itself amplifies the attack, and the blogosphere amplifies the results.

In this light, if any of you frequently speak against leftism the way that I do, and you still don't have a firewall running and you use Internet Explorer or any other program similarly full of security holes, you must be an idiot. (In any case, I certainly hope that I didn't just give some leftist any bright ideas now.)


In this light, if any of you frequently speak against leftism the way that I do, and you still don't have a firewall running and you use Internet Explorer or any other program similarly full of security holes, you must be an idiot.

Mac, Mac, Mac,
Mac, Mac, Mac,
Mac,Mac Macintosh!!!!

Oh, and don't forget to wear your tin-foil hat, just in case the leftist hactivistis come up with some sort of mind control device. And remember to keep a look out for those black helicopters.

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