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The great white whale

When I was watching the morning newscast, there was a mention of the 46 lacrosse players at the Dupont Duke university who are accused of gang raping a black stripper. For the past few days, the feminist blogosphere has been up in arms about this case, since as we all know perfectly well, this case would get no national media attention otherwise, since the American media typically wants to downplay and cover up crimes where the perpetrator is white and the victim is black. Especially if there is some kind of "hate crime" angle involved.

I was reminded of this when I came upon the blog "The Locker Room" that contains a post "Rape at Duke — some victims are more equal than others" which wonders why this particular rape caused such vehement protesting, but these protestors have been quiet about other rapes that have happened so far in Durham. The post then presents a photograph of a poster that one protestor carried. This poster asks people to

Close your eyes. Imagine that the alleged victim's face is white. Exactly --- it becomes a whole new case.

I agree. It most certainly does, especially if we imagine that instead of the rapists being a white lacrosse team, their skin colour had happened to be black. The whole case would have immediately become a total non-event, at least in the national and international level.

And this is not just in the mainstream media. Long before this case, I noticed that whenever feminists raise a big fuss about some rape or sexual violence or domestic violence case that they perceived to be a huge injustice, the alleged perpetrator always turned out to be white. It has gotten about as predictable as watching Law & Order. If anybody wants to prove me wrong, you can provide a link to even one feminist column or blog post that wants to bring attention to a rape case where the accused perpetrator is black and the victim is white.

The feminists write about rape so often that this should be an extremely easy task, since according to the Department of Justice statistics that were summarized here, each year in America there are about 800 rapes where the perpetrator is white and the victim is black, but about 15,000 rapes where the perpetrator is black and the victim is white. In addition, more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks happen annually in the USA, but virtually no white-on-black gang rapes.

It's hard to say if such a horrendous figures and racial disparity are real. I tried to google them to find some confirmation or refutation, but found only white power websites and one critical article "The Color of Deception" that basically admits that the numerical disparity of white and black criminality in America is true but explains this with the economic disparity of these two groups, so that if you control for economic status, the criminal disparity disappears. But I have to wonder how economic disparity would explain the disparity in rapes and sexual assaults, especially when we remember what feminists typically proclaim to be the fundamental reasons and motives for rape. It would be extremely interesting to see a white academically educated feminist twisting herself into a pretzel in analyzing the concepts of "privilege" and "entitlement" in a gang rape where a group of black men rapes a white woman. Of course, this would have to somehow turn out to be the fault of the historical oppression perpetrated by the straight white men.

I then went directly to the Bureau of Justice Statistics home page and located "Table 42: Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender". In 2003, in the rape or sex assault cases where the victim was white, the perpetrator was black in 15.5% of the cases, which translates to about 20,000 cases. In the rape or sex assault cases where the victim was black, the perpetrator was white in 0.0% of the cases, with an asterisk next to it to indicate that this particular figure comes from an estimate based on a small number of cases.

Of the few rape cases that happen to get noticed by the national media while the vast majority of similar crimes are ignored (after all, there are only so many minutes in a newscast and so many column inches in a newspaper), I recall only hearing about rapes with white perpetrators. This is surely just a coincidence, or perhaps a result of my selective memory. But then again, if something is news, then by definition it means that it is statistically very rare. So in this sense we would reasonably expect a rare event such as the incident at Duke to become huge national news.

As another hint of what would have happened if the lacrosse rape victim was white and the perpetrators were black, we could notice the complete lack of outrage about the current situation in Sweden and Malmö described in "Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way". For some reason, I must have missed the feminists demanding that Muslims have to "completely change the way they construct masculinity", criticizing their "sense of male entitlement", or angrily claiming that these rapes show that their "woman-hating" patriarchal culture is "sickening". But maybe if I just looked a little bit harder, I would find plenty. Again, I would appreciate links to correct my erroneous thinking.


Nice post. Where I live, Chicago, the newspapers are careful to show photos of as many white perpetrators as possible. No black or hispanic perpetrators, or if so, seldomly. Yet black victims and their families are all over the paper. To give an example, recently an honor student, a young black girl, was hit by a stray bullet from a shooting and died. Very big coverage. Faces of grief, interviews with the victim's family and friends, and articles of "Why o why, and when will it end?". of course, the perpetrator was a black male gangster. No photo though.

I could keep reporting stories (unlike the papers) but the fact is well noticed and discussed among those whose brains are plugged in. I like your blog. Keep it up!

P.S. I clicked on a link to you from Steve Sailer's site.

terveisia suomesta

I can think of an additional reason to support the Swedish language (the second national language) in Finland: as the Malmöization of Swedish cities continues together with the increase of the Muslim population, more and more ethnic Swedes will want to move out. North America, Australia, and New Zealand will probably attract the majority of them, but those with Finnish roots and maybe with relatives on the other side of the Gulf of Bothnia may want to emigrate to the familiar partly Swedish-speaking neigbour. I'd much rather have ethnic Swedes help maintain our workers-to-pensioners ratio at healthy levels than the kind of immigrants who are the source of all that unpleasantry in Sweden.

As Steve Sailer has said, white liberals tacitly consider themselves to be competing with other whites. They use blacks and other protected minorities as tools for moral posturing in a game of more compassionate than thou. The goal is to tear down other whites rather than do anything effective to help minorities.

So does that imply that white men don't find ghetto-sistas attractive or what?

I have to say, while the feminist indignation would go away if the races were switched, mine would not. If they actually committed the crimes, they should be put away for a long time.

That said, they do deserve a fair trial.

On race and income for rape. Poorer men have less trouble getting women to give away sex, so I would expect to see a neg correlation be income and rape.

Here's something I've been wondering about. I don't believe this, but I'm not sure why I don't.
Rape is awful for the victim because she does not choose who she reproduces with, but with modern contraception and postcontraceptive birth control, having a child is totally optional. Yes, rape does expose a woman to std's she would not otherwise have been exposed to, but except for a few, they are now curable. So rape isn't really as bad as it was 50-100, 10,000 years ago, why should it be punished so harshly?

I think the evolutionary theories of rape make a good case that a death penalty for rape would reduce the number of rapes without increasing the number of rape murders, so I think we should have a death penalty for stranger rape, but I'm not sure why the being raped isn't as bad as it used to be argument does not convince me.

I recall only hearing about rapes with white perpetrators.

Perhaps you don't follow U.S. team sports, but there was the case of NBA star Kobe Bryant. Charges were dropped, presumably because the accused and victim reached a finanacial settlement, but he was accused of raping a white woman and the matter was sensationalistically covered in the U.S.

Hmmm, based on those stats, a black rapist is more likely to rape a white woman than a black woman.

Sounds like hate crimes to me.

Also, what about those 19% of rapes of white women committed by other? It seems like, percentage wise, white men are less likely to commit rape than some other groups.

“Hmmm, based on those stats, a black rapist is more likely to rape a white woman than a black woman.”

That’s not quite true. 49% of the two groups presented that black men raped (20.300) were white, whereas 51% were black. See, Black women raped 21000 black women as well as the 20.000 white women.

Because very very few white men rape black women you get this impression.

Swedes will not start moving to Finland anytime soon. Muslims are only 3% of our population. The procentage impact on crime has been huge (especially because of crazed Social Democratic politics, to give first time young rapists no jail, cut down on police etc). But because of the low figures, the absolute increase in crime is moderate; rape is now roughly equal to the US level.

“Hmmm, based on those stats, a black rapist is more likely to rape a white woman than a black woman.”

That’s not quite true. 49% of the two groups presented that black men raped (20.300) were white, whereas 51% were black. See, Black women raped 21000 black women as well as the 20.000 white women.

Because very very few white men rape black women you get this impression.

Swedes will not start moving to Finland anytime soon. Muslims are only 3% of our population. The procentage impact on crime has been huge (especially because of crazed Social Democratic politics, to give first time young rapists no jail, cut down on police etc). But because of the low figures, the absolute increase in crime is moderate; rape is now roughly equal to the US level.

"Black *men* raped 21000 black women as well..."

This isn't a prison movie.

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