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Elsass Lothringen

I posted earlier about the voting for which of the six candidates will become the 50-story landmark building in the Absolute condos complex. Of course, the winner turned out the most idiotic design that looks like somebody's new toothbrush. And I will have to look at the gigantic piece of shit every day. But at least it doesn't look like the March 2006 Eyesore. And there is no reason to be sad but I should turn that frown upside down, since today was such a nice and warm day that felt like summer now that birds have started singing. Didn't need a coat or anything, but could just go out in a T-shirt. Summer is almost here!

Speaking of architecture, I learned the word "brutalism" today. I know a couple of buildings in the city that are done in that style. But anything that is used by a guy named Goldfinger can't be all bad.

As a legal immigrant who recently became a citizen of Canada, I thought up a comparison to use when somebody conflates legal immigration and illegal immigration and says that the former should not criticize the latter: very well then, people who go to a bank teller to withdraw money from their own bank accounts should not criticize those who rob banks. On second thought, I don't know if this is an apt analogy.

With all the celebrity poker shows out there, Jamie Zawinski proposes "Celebrity D & D". I would probably watch this, but I wonder what motivation celebrities of any kind of name recognition would have to attend.

In other news, I see that they are about to make "Ocean's 13". I hope it is an actual movie, and not just a stupid self-referential mishmash the way "Ocean's 12" was. But at least watching O12 was educational, since it gave me a good simulation of what it feels like to be stupid, and what Joe Average feels like when he tries to read or watch something above his cognitive level.

When I read the post "A Little School Project", for some reason I started thinking of South Park. For a bit more intelligent view of what teaching should be all about, see the post "Your stupid misconceptions addressed"... and oh for Jesus Holy Christus, "Mobius Stripper" is a woman? Dang! I read her writings for several pages automatically assuming the author was a man, since the text is just so... good and intelligent and masculine in the very best sense. Man, was this ever a delightful discovery. It sure gives me hope about life, universe and everything.

Even though science fiction has been redundant for a long time, for some reason the article "Boom town" evoked in me certain feelings that I haven't felt for a long time. Perhaps Kunstler would like to comment on this project. Delta City is rising, and that's two million workers living trailers, that means drugs, gambling, prostitution... Virgin territory for the man who knows how to open up new markets... One man could control it all...

The transcript "Pornucopia" examines the curious similarities between television's cooking shows and pornography.

Normally you'd expect that Germans would appreciate efficiency and order, and you wouldn't be wrong, as demonstrated by the article "The Box That Makes the World Go Round". The only time I have personally been to Germany was one summer when we flew from Helsinki to Canada through Frankfurt. Since both Finland and Germany are EU countries, there was no customs or anything, just the security checks. When we got out to walk around for a few hours waiting for our flight to board, I really hated the fact that everybody was smoking everywhere and those freaking toilets. Also when we stepped out of the airport for a moment, there was an absolutely giant dog turd on the ground in the middle of the sidewalk. I just wanted to yell out "What the **** is wrong with the Germans?" Since then, I have not gone back to that country. Except on the return flight, of course.

I can understand coupons as price discrimination, even though they are a hassle and annoying. I haven't been able to understand rebates, in which you buy the product (typically electronics or computer software), fill in a form and send it and in 4-6 weeks get a cheque for $20 or something like that in the mail. The article "The Great Rebate Scam" explains what the real purpose is in that scheme.

The most appropriate word that I can think of to describe the oncoming movie "Basic Instict 2" is "sad". In related news, the post "Sharon Stone is inappropriate" gives us the wisdom of the starlet in giving sex education to teens.

The post "Heretical Ideas" at "Drivel From a Liminal Entity" lists a few ideas that might be true, but you shouldn't say them out loud in polite company.


I actually enjoyed Oceans 12. Either I have a twisted sense of humor or I am actually so stupid that I don't recognize when I don't understand.

A lot of people have complained the didn't understand the movie. To me the plot seemed simple enough.

To be exact, there is no customs or anything when you travel from Finland to Germany because they both are members of Schengen Agreement. For example, Estonia is a member of EU but not yet a member of Schengen Agreement, whereas Norway is a member of the latter but not the former.

Saksalaiset eivät ole tehokkaita kun katsotaan suomalaisesta vinkkelistä. Se maa on yksi tehottomuuden, byrokratian ja järjettömyyden linnake Suomessa _kaikki_ toimii ja _kaikki_ toimii helposti. Jopa valtion virkailijoilla on aivot ja niitä saatetaan ehkä käyttää.

- Syltty

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