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Feel that Teletouch

On the way home on the bus and subway, I starting reading "The Big Book of Losers", which seems to be one of the best of the series. ("Conspiracies" is by far the worst in the series, a totally unreadable book that contains nothing but total bullshit.) This books contains many amusing tales of failure from people such as Frankie Lymon to things such as Ford Edsel and Susan B. Anthony dollar. I have previously seen this type of coin mentioned in several places, but nobody had ever actually explained it to me, and I had forgotten it until now. A dollar coin that looks and feels like a quarter: what could possibly go wrong?

In the same spirit, I hope that the site "America's Overvalued Real Estate" will continue to exist archived somewhere so that people of the future also get to laugh at these. I have heard that real estate can be costly in California, but this one really particularly takes the cake. Maybe some future edition of the losers book will feature people who buy these houses.

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vpHey, does Java still perform poorly in scientific computing compared with, say, C++ ?

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