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A patriarchal paradise

Since today is the final exam in my Java programming course, I went to eat at a Korean meat buffet place where they bring you little plates of meat and you grill it yourself at the middle of your table. After two weeks of relatively light eating, the experience of being totally filled with meat (eh eh heh) feels pretty strange. But as diets go, I guess that I could get used to Atkins.

As I was eating there, I saw the Brass Rail strip club on the other side of the street advertise that their dancers are "European style". So what's that, their armpits are hairy or something? I guess that there is no service or product that couldn't be described as "European". After we had moved here, I learned pretty quickly that when it is used to describe some product, the word "European" is merely a feelgood placeholder so that each potential customer can project it pretty much any meaning that he likes. If this term has some actual objective meaning, at least I haven't been able to decipher it.

I must have come in before dinnertime, since I was the only customer in the large restaurant. As I was finishing, two women came in and asked if they could come and take a look at what I am eating. I agreed, and the waiter explained them all foods that are being served and how they will just put them to the grill and cook them themselves. The younger woman was gushing how wonderful that was, but the older woman seemed more skeptical. When I left the restaurant ten minutes later, they were happily dipping into their side dishes and meat.

1 comment

In America some strippers will give you a "Texas-style" couch dance. I wonder if what's being advertised is the Canadian equivalent? If I were you I would investigate this further.

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