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Ruin it yourself

The Chicago hot dog vendors are at the right track when they just plain refuse to put ketchup on a delicious hot dog. If ketchup were invented today, the consumers would probably reject it immediately, since ketchup must be about the best possible example of that something is tolerated and done simply because that's the way it has always been done. Most foods are simply ruined by the icky taste of ketchup. I can think of very few foods whose taste ketchup actually improves, since usually the overwhelming taste of ketchup comes through so clearly that you don't get to enjoy the other good tastes. French fries are admittedly improved by ketchup, but this doesn't justify the existence of ketchup, since many other simple condiments such as mayonnaise (with suitable spices) or tartar sauce are far superior to ketchup in this regard. Go on, try this the next time that you are eating fries, and I bet that you won't go back to ketchup.



I agree completely.

Try ketchup and pepper with french fries.

French fries are admittedly improved by ketchup

Are you kidding me?

I eat my fries with no sauce o ketchup.

When I was in Australia we were all warned against the local ketchup. Apparently it makes the North American stuff seem tasty by comparison.

Don't like ketchup.

I like shrimp cocktail sauce on fires - or barbecue sauce.

Hamburgers are best with some ketchup. I don't like it on hot dogs, however.

Iron Rails & Iron Weights

French fries are best with sweet Herkkumaa mustard.

Catch up with ketchup.

FYI only

you need salt and vinegar on your chips mate.

if you want something fancy go for vinegar, mayo and cheese.

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