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One long, sustained scream

The post "La Paglia speaks" at "What's the Rumpus?" offers us a delightful little poem "Surviving a Tornado with a Post-Structuralist". "Growl" is another piece of poetry worth noticing.

Steve Sailer links to new blogs "Inductivist" and "Beat The Press", both of which look like very enjoyable reads.

It was reported in the news yesterday that Gilbert Gottfried was elected as the unsexiest man in the world. Dunno, I somehow doubt that Gottfried has a harder time getting dates than the average man.

One of the best examples of moronic identity politics and political correctness run amok must be the "deaf activism", an ideology that claims that being deaf is not a disability but an identity and therefore shouldn't be "cured" any more than left-handedness or homosexuality. Cathy Young examines the issue in "Cochlear implants and the politics of "Deafness"".

The more I think about, the more my suggestion of prison administration in my post "I know I can't be free" of total segregation of prisoners from each other seems to make sense. Brad Plumer's post "Aryan Brotherhood" links to article "The Brand" about the murderous prison gang. Because the whites tend to be a hated minority in American prisons, it is not a big surprise that some of them choose to join such a gang rather than roll over and become bitches for black and latino gangs to be passed around. Or as Plumer puts it:

One thing worth noting, judging from Grann's piece, is that organizations like the Aryan Brotherhood are able to grow so large and get so out of control partly because law-enforcement officials have little interest in investigating prisoner-on-prisoner crimes ("officials often dismiss such crimes as N.H.I.—'No humans involved'—because the victims are considered to be as unsympathetic as the perps") in the first place.

That is so true, just not in the sense that Plumer probably meant, now that I actually read that paragraph again.

The post "Quite Possibly the First Time the Word "Blog" was Used in Comics" at The Accordion Guy shows us how this ugly-sounding word was first used in an unintentionally humorous Superman comic.

"Lazy Programmer's Guide" at Jerf contains useful pieces of programming advice.

"Well, that didn't take long..." at Wizbang presents a small but helpful suggestion to illegal aliens in America and their supporters to make their May 1 boycott more believable.

Romeo Mike's post "Alms etiquette" pretty much sums up the thoughts that I have whenever I see homeless people in the streets of Toronto. I once wondered whether there is some Fagin out there who arranges the homeless in the most lucrative begging locations and charges them part of their earnings as a tax.


Have you visited Gilbert Gottfried's blog?

See the entry from March 7, besides being very funny Gilbert has a revelation about the people in Missoula, Montana that says a lot about him as a person.

Also very funny is the one from February 6, where Gilbert laments: "Has this woman never seen me in Problem Child III?"

No, I haven't, but thanks for the tip.

I read the March 7 entry, and I think that there is a possibility of reading it as an intentional joke on Gilbert himself, a backhanded way of stating that flyover country people are good people.

"flyover country people are good people"

That's what he was saying. When I said it "says a lot about him as a person", I didn't mean he revealed himself to be a bad person, quite the opposite, I meant he revealed an insightfullness about himself and others.

As an aside, is there a Hollywood convention weirder than the common portrayal of rural America as being more dangerous than urban America?

On the homeless there is some very interesting information on the Toronto Disaster Relief Committee website.

I heard the webmaster for the Ontario Tenants Rights website on a call in show and his concern was that he had heard the Toronto homeless survey did not include important questions such as "when did you last eat?"

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