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For he is an Englishman

John Derbyshire is the very best reason to read National Review. I have listened to a few of his "Derb Radio" podcasts and enjoyed them, but there doesn't seem to be an on-site archive for these podcasts the same way that there is an author archive. I have tried to google for such an archive but this was in vain. Does any of my readers know if there exists a Derb Radio podcast archive? I would really, really like to listen to all of these podcasts. I also naturally recommend them to Markku and Tiedemies, for the many British-accent one-liners that they contain.


Linkitit vahingossa kahdesti tiedemiehen blogiin.

I don't know of an archive, but a quick script can probably find most based on the date in the filename, e.g.

I started listening to these and got hooked, so I wrote up a quick and dirty way of finding the last DerbRadio file searching back from a given date (up to 100 days). See:

It is very cheesy but it actually works quite nicely. Not this will probably only work in IE because of the XMLDOM properties used etc.

You could use this to make your own archive of links fairly easily.

I was probably fussing with the Javascript when you clicked the first time.

An interesting hack, and no, it didn't work in my FireFox.

I started up IE and went to the page, but the click on the button gave me an error message... oh, now I realized how this thing works. Excellent, although there must be a simple page out there somewhere that contains the links to all podcasts.

The script is no longer working for me: when I use it, it just steps back one day, and occasionally gives an error message of stack overflow in line 45.

Looks like it may have platform dependencies...I tried it on a Win98 virtual machine with IE6 and am getting the same error you are. My XP IE6 still works...back to the drawing board!

There is hope:

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Webbie Speaks [John Derbyshire]

That's Nathan, our NRO webbie. He tells me:

"John—Just wanted to let you know the podcast [of Radio Derb] is live. People can find and subscribe to the RSS feed on the DerbRadio page [here], or click the 'Podcast URL' link at the bottom of the page and plug it into iTunes. I'm working on getting the 46 episodes of DerbRadio into some sort of archive...stay tuned.—Nathan."

Nathan is one of the unsung heroes of NRO, keeping the whole thing working. Thanks, guy.
Posted at 10:49 AM

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