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Yesterday I had this semester's first lecture of the first Java course that I teach. During the break after the second hour, a student came to me in the hallway and told me that she doesn't understand this assignment that I gave. This confused me for a second, since I had not given out any assignments yet, but then it turned out that she had mistaken my teaching about how the assignment statement works to be a homework assignment. Well, no wonder she was confused, but good thing that that was cleared. I have taught this course almost five years now and this is the first time anybody has pointed out this ambiguity to me.

I am allergic to birch pollen. Fortunately birches are somewhat rare around here, so that I haven't needed any allergy medicine, unlike back in Finland. However, for some reason this Spring seems to be different, since yesterday I started sneezing and coughing and feeling all itchy. I wonder if the few birches around here are sputtering their sperm around to a much greater extent than usual, or if I have become more sensitive for some reason. Perhaps this is a sign and a portent for some future ecological cataclysm.


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