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Okay. Now, where's Happymart?

When I have seen kids in junior high and high school carrying their textbooks around, those books seem to be somewhat thicker than the books that we used back in the day, although it might be that the book is used for the whole year, not just for one semester or period. Anyway, Fred's new essay "Eighth Grade In Mexico" compares Mexican eight-grade math and science textbooks to the ones used in America.

Speaking of Mexico, that land of freedom down South, their recent idea of drug legalization fizzled. Agoraphilia's post "How Not to Legalize Drugs" explains why this was not necessarily a bad thing. Marginal Revolution is also on the case with the post "Is drug tourism good?"

In his post "Nasty, Brutish, and Human", Tjic notes an important similarity between humans and lesser animals.

Since leftists imagine that all minorities are ideologically just like them so that they want to march together against their able-bodied straight white male oppressors, they need to make up elaborate doublethink to defend against the reality of what these minorities really think about each other. For example, to get the desired results of what black people should think about gays and gay marriage, you can simply restrict your attention to black college students and claim that they are a representative sample of all black people. Unfortunately, even with this restriction black support of gay marriage is significantly lower than that of their white counterparts. As somebody once said, white liberals (I would say "leftists") seldom seem to notice that they are white.

Grant McCracken is skeptical towards Google's approach of online advertising in his post "Microsoft and the evolutionary future of on-line advertising".

Henny Youngman's one-liners take us back to simpler time. People of the past were a bit like innocent little children so that entertaining them wasn't much more difficult.

Tiedemies informs us that Bill Clinton is giving a lecture today in my old home town Tampere, tickets going for about a thousand euros a pop. In response, a bunch of leftist anarchists are organizing a "demonstration against Clinton and fascism". I wonder if this gang looks like the people depicted at the Zombietime site, and whether they take their general lifestyle and modus operandi from "Steal This Book".

Tommi makes a few observations about life:

Right-wingers and left-wingers, family men and childless people, superstitious people and intelligent people, each group should have their own country. This way everybody could choose their own way of life and the others wouldn't bother them. But for some reason, this just isn't done.
I once estimated that a typical person doesn't know himself as well as an outsider who has observed him for 15 minutes. We all probably have a psychological blind spot with ourselves. We can try to compensate this by acquiring long-term friendships to serve as mirrors.

For this reason I don't consider personal to be political, I never apply any ideas or morals to myself, nor will I explain, defend or open up about my own life. Not only would doing so be pointless, but also distracting.


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