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We have forgotten passion, signifying nothing

I think that the words "spontaneously decided" are not used even nearly enough in media or for that matter, in life in general. Especially in the narration of reality shows this expression would be good, as in "Hunter and T.R. spontaneously decided to take the rest of the cast to a sushi dinner", "After the rehearsal, the contestants spontaneously decided to relax by going to [whichever local attraction has paid for a plug]" or "After the setback with the focus group, the inventor spontaneously decided to call a meeting with the design team". In my opinion, this would vastly improve the presentation of these shows.

I also wonder if there is a name for the genre of character drama movies that follow a loose group of young adults who live in a big city (usually New York) and work in urban jobs, dine in restaurants, walk along the streets in random pairings and occasionally attend parties, and all this is filmed with one handheld camera. As the nonexistent "plot" unfolds, two members of this group fall in love whereas the one couple that was initially a couple encounters some difficulties and then breaks up. Movies of this genre are probably easy to write and produce, since I can't imagine that filming them would cost that much with the lack of action and special effects and all that. So they would be a good place to break in the business for those film school graduates, especially the females, who don't feel like trying to be the next Quentin Tarantino or Kevin Smith. Get some semi-recognizable actor or actress join the project and you are all set.

I watched the movie "Heights" earlier today, but it doesn't really matter which particular movie of this genre you watch since they are all pretty much interchangable. I know that during the last five years I have seen at least a dozen of these movies, but right now I can't even name any one of them. In fact, I would bet that there are so many movies of this genre already that some enterprising producer could make a parody version of them in spirit of "Scary Movie" or "Date Movie", except that few viewers would probably recognize that this particular version is supposed to be a parody.

1 comment

Have you read Seems like I've missed its large and visible ad in "Overheard in New York" for about a year now.

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