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For I have truly seen the face of evil

Now that I was writing about predicting the future, let me mention that after the Moussaoui verdict, my first thought was that in about ten years or so, he will write a book (or more precisely, one will be ghostwritten for him) and pull a Tookie, and even get some leftist celebrities behind him to support the release of this intelligent and gentle man from the supermax isolation prison, since his only thoughtcrime was to oppose the fascist Amerikkka under the Bush dictatorship, just like Tookie did, and there is nothing to be gained in keeping him shackled.

It seems to be a common perception that leftists are generally soft on crime so that instead of locking the criminals up and throwing away the key, they prefer therapy and understanding and all mitigating factors such as a bad childhood. Conservatives are thought to be "tough on crime" and, simplistic and dumb as rocks that they are, they are unable to see any nuance so that these troglodytes only want revenge and tooth for a tooth. But one thing that I have learned during all these years is that in reality pretty much all people actually support death penalty and torture of criminals --- provided that this criminal is somebody they hate on ideological grounds and don't personally identify with, and they feel personally threatened by his crime and can identify and sympathize with his victim. This is probably basic human nature and I can't say that I am any better in this respect, but it's still worth pointing out anyway.

You can see this illustrative dynamic vividly playing out in current events. For example, leftists tend to be concerned about the due process and civil rights of terrorists and insurgents and their supporters both domestic and foreign (based on what I have read, this "useful idiot" dynamic worked exactly the same way with the Red Army Faction in Germany a few decades ago, so nothing new under the sun). On the other hand, leftists tend to be relatively unconcerned about the rights of the accused and leniency of sentencing when it comes to, say, fratboys who are charged with rape. For those on the right side of the political spectrum, the situation seems to be the exact opposite. Both sides see the crimes through their own ideological lenses and react accordingly.

Give leftists a good villain who fits their ideological framework, and even the most relativist and sophisticated leftist will shriekingly condemn him as evil and be just as vengeful, bloodthirsty, irrational and violent as the looniest wingnut during the weeks after 9/11. Case in point: the post "Charming" at "Shakespeare's Sister". Wait, wait, don't click on this link yet, but first read the following paragraphs that I cut and pasted from its comments, and try to guess what kind of crime would bring out such very uncharacteristic reactions from the soft-on-crime leftists. You might have to think back a long time to remember a real-world crime that made leftists this enraged and bloodthirsty. Was this crime perhaps home invasion where the thugs killed the homeowner? Ha ha, just kidding. Perhaps a brutal bashing of a transpersyn, or maybe a lynching of a black man?

Something much more drastic should happen to these evil little monsters. These creatures don't even deserve to be called human beings any longer.

For starters, each of their parents should be fined a minimum of $50,000 each. The money could then be placed in trust to house and care for the veteran who was the victim of such heartless cruelty and inhumanity. While I'm not licensed to practice in Alabama, I have former classmates who are, and who would be happy to draw up the trust do documents.

One of the previous comments noted these monsters should be made to enlist. I could not agree more. It's a wonderful idea. As soon as they finish boot camp, send them straight to Iraq. Don't pass go, and don't collect $200.
When I was in college, I worked as a bartender at a local hang out. A couple of frat boys came in one night and bragged that they were going to go to a nearby gay bar and "bash some fags."

As soon as they left, I called my friends at the gay bar and tipped them off. When they arrived, the frat boys were beaten up by the bar's bouncers (two very large and dangerous guys), stripped to their underwear, and handcuffed to the front door of the bar. Bar patrons urinated and spat on them all night long. I bet they learned a lesson.
I think the phrase "play find the soap with bubba every day until your anus is the size of a grapefruit" came into play.
Let's just make sure they never do it again by jailing them for the rest of their lives. It'll make the rest of us safer.
I truly wish that my first reaction was NOT to have these assholes go to Iraq and get blown up as part of a Gene Pool Cleaning Program.

Now, what kind of horrific crime against humanity do you think would it take to make the leftists explicitly declare that some the perpetrators are subhuman and take delight in their rape, torture and humiliation and even eventual eugenic cleansing? Well, why not go back to click on the link to find out?

After you have read all about the crime that has made the leftists this unhinged, you can contrast this reaction to their mysterious reaction (or more specifically, a lack of reaction) to certain other crimes such as sending a suicide bomber to blow up innocent people to smithereens. But hey, at least nobody's pants were pulled down and laughed at, since that would really be the epitome of evil.

With such comparisons we can get a clearer idea of the real motivations of the leftists and be able to see who they not-so-tacitly identify with. For starters, does anybody remember a crime, any crime whatsoever, that was committed against an able-bodied, heterosexual, politically conservative middle-class white male and caused leftists to react in anger and rage comparable to the snippets that I quoted above? I can't think one on my own, and suspect that most of you would have to dig deep to find even one such crime.

1 comment

Not to mention that the whole story is a lie, but then again the left has no problem with lies.

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