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Pip pip, sir

I have previously been linking to Nikolas Lloyd's excellent site "Lloydian Aspects", especially his essays "Why Men Won't Dance" and "Why Vegetarians Should be Force Fed with Lard". The day after the big site Marginal Revolution linked to the former essay, his site vanished completely. I still keep the link in my sidebar as a protest to this, hoping that the site will re-emerge.

I first thought that the site was taken down because of sudden traffic spike brought by the link from MR, or perhaps Nikolas was just shy and got cold feet, but when I googled his name to see if his site has perhaps moved somewhere else, I found the explanation "Crusading veggies steamroll university into web censorship" that tells us who and what made his site vanish. Of course the Newcastle University is committed to intellectual freedom and hence does not to have give a soapbox to politically incorrect and anti-leftist ideas, and web space is free there days (and besides, there is always Web Archive), so in that sense it is not a big deal. But I'd still say that this incident is a very good reminder about what the political left is like.

In other news, when I recently read the headline in the local news telling that a serial killer named "Mad Slasher" is being moved to Toronto, for a moment there I thought that I am in the Monday strip in one week's series of Dilbert comics from the early nineties. I can barely wait for the punchlines of the next strips, perhaps Dogbert says something cynical about how this man could be the hired to cut the skyrocketing costs of the employee healthcare.

Reading Barclay Cooke's backgammon book "Paradoxes and Probabilities" has recently done wonders to my backgammon skills. When I play one-point matches against GNU Backgammon (so that cube action is not involved) against Expert level, I win about half of the games. More importantly, when the program is set on tutor mode so that it warns about bad moves, it's quite rare these days and comes as a surprise that I get such a warning. The few times that this happens, when I look at the hint it suggests some play that looks quite daring and I bet that would mathematically be better, but my courage doesn't suffice to make it. I should next go read the articles at the site "Backgammon Articles" to learn more.


I suggest that you try to find, by Google e.g, "Geert's Backgammon". Play a few games against it and be infuriated. Many think that it is a deliberate device to produce primitive reactions of impotent rage :)

Apparently cameras have also gotten into the evils of racial profiling when trying to uphold the law. How far will this injustice spread?

Cameras set racial poser on car crime


- vince

So, my initial hunch about the vegofascists in action was right.

There's at least one thing about vegofascism that I find totally illogical: the claim of moral superiority. Let me elaborate.

In prehistorical times, a lone hunter or a group of them would go after the prey. The prey would know it was being hunted and it would actually have a chance of escaping, or depending on the animal, even fighting back. I call this fair play. The rules of the game give each party a chance of succeeding, albeit not an equal chance.

Plants? Those poor things have absolutely no chance whatsoever against a human. It is like an adult attacking a baby. Aren't bullies always told to pick a fight with someone of their size (and they invariably fail to obey such advice)? And this is morally superior behaviour? Instead of going after 'your own kind', you go and murder an innocent plant that cannot fight back?

I know the production animals of today don't have much of a chance of fighting back, but a plant has even less of a chance.

Obviously, we have to eat something. I find that eating meat is a morally superior choice.

Nikolas Lloyd's article on vegetarianism is here. Only the title is insultive, the content is very rational. I assume that it was the rationality that was too much for the University's leadership.

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