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Just use Concrete instead

A few days ago I saw a TV commercial that was for some kind of insurance, but at one point they used the same font that Burger King routinely uses in its print and TV material, which made the whole ad feel a bit surreal. Other than that, I know that I must have some kind of serious deficiency in recognizing various fonts, in addition my total lack of graphical design skills. I know the difference between serif and sans serif, but that's pretty much it. Fortunately, there is always Wikipedia that knows and teaches all: font. I would say that Futura is the only font that I can semi-reliably recognize, since I have seen it so often and its amusing fifties-style feel is so distinctive. (Hey, maybe I'll typeset my next book using Futura.) And of course I immediately recognize MS Comic Sans, that present-day scourge of aesthetics and good taste everywhere. And oh yeah, of course Mistral, that in its sheer cheesiness never fails to remind me of the greatest late-night TV show ever filmed, "Silk Stalkings".

Speaking of which, how does the new font in this blog feel to readers? At least nobody has complained about it so far, which is promising. I saw Tahoma used in some other blog and immediately knew that I just had to use it too. Of course I didn't know what the font was called, but of course, that's what "view source" is for! The font looks quite readable to me at least when ClearType is turned on, and since it is smaller than the old one, it allows showing more text to be shown on the page. I also switched Danimal Archive to use the same font.

At this point I could also air out another old font-related gripe of mine. In modern word processors and other similar tools, there is usually a huge drop down menu of fonts that are available in the system. It would be nice if next to the this menu, there was another similar menu that only included fonts that a serious person might actually ever use. Thank you.


I find the new font easier to read.

I would prefer Arial.

The previous font was much more readable.

It doesn't matter. Both are readable. Why did you drop the 'per minute' from your blog name? I thought that was an excellent name.

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