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Those darn nativists

A few days ago there was news about some members of the First Nations blocking some highway in Caledonia, demanding land for themselves. I didn't pay much attention to this event since I didn't care about it or see its significance, but even so, I had to chuckle when I imagined how the progressoids will reflexively defend the natives against the evil Canadian government, protecting their right to keep other people away from their ancestral homelands.

The main reason why multiculturalism works so well around here is the fact that Canada carefully chooses the people that it lets in, knowing well that there are plenty of willing applicants to choose from. Recently, I have noticed posters of a lefty group "No One Is Illegal" around the city. This group demands that anybody who wants to should be allowed to move to Canada and live and work here without any fear of deportation, so that all people have the right to free movement. On the other hand, this gang also demands that "indigenous sovereignty" must be recognized. I wonder how much mental energy it takes to handle the cognitive dissonance that this would cause in any thinking person. See for yourself:

We believe that granting citizenship to a privileged few is part of a racist immigration and border policy designed to exploit and marginalize migrants. We work to oppose these policies, as well as the international economic policies that create the conditions of poverty and war that force migration. At the same time, we also work to support and build alliances with our Indigenous brothers and sisters in their fight against colonialism, displacement and the ongoing occupation of their land.

It sounds like these "indigenous brothers" could use a few diversity training seminars, if they really are that hostile towards other cultures coming to live in their lands. Tut, tut, tut.


Not to mention that the same people that advocate unlimited immigration into the country are usually the same ones advocating slow growth or zero growth policies, and want to preserve open space. No idea where all these immigrants are supposed to live, but then, when your policies have no realistic chance of becoming law, you can afford to be inconsistent and not have to apply cost-benefit analyses.

I think that the "indigenous brothers" should have been more selective about who they let in, in the 17th century, so they wouldn't have this problem now.

The Northern forest Indians were in fact quite advanced and progressing to real state structures. They _could_ have wiped out the first culture enrichers but thought that the Europeans were so few and there was room for all...

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