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Summer is here, Charlie Brown

After the miserable near-freezing Victoria Day long weekend last week, this weekend turned out to be just the way that a proper summer weekend should be. The sunny temperature was just right so that it was hot, but if it had been any hotter, the temperature would have been less enjoyable. We took a lazy stroll into the nearby small forest, where I continued to be astonished of the fact that around here, insects don't seem to be any kind of problem at all. You can go pretty much anywhere you want and there are no mosquitos or flies to annoy you. I wonder why this is so. I am so glad that we don't live in Winnipeg, the mosquito capital of the world.

At the baseball field of the adjoining park, there was a game going on between two teams of perhaps 16-year-old boys, with uniforms and umpires and all. We sat down to watch the game for a few innings, and after that we walked to the nearby Chinese restaurant for some dim sum. For the dessert, we went to Dairy Queen next door and had the first Blizzards of the summer. An hour after we got home, I went out like a candle with all that food weighing inside me. Now it really feels like summer, and the summer has barely begun.


Maybe the first generation of mosquitos is not ready yet.

Finlads weather follows in one week the canadian one - so we hope next sunday will be hot here;=)...

I am so glad that we don't live in Winnipeg, the mosquito capital of the world.

Vile calumny!

As a proud ex-Winnipegger I'll admit that the mosquito larvae here in Toronto are quickly suffocated by the choking smog, a significant amount of which I seem to be seeing out my window right now. Welcome to summer.

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