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Why do feminists tend to be so infatuated with socialism? This mystery is deep and we might never be able to fully solve it. But this curious correlation might have something to do with my old observation that the grander the schemes that people have for reorganizing the whole society, the less able they generally are to successfully manage and control their own lives. I am sure that many others have noticed this same thing before I did, but perhaps one day this observation will be known as "Ilkka's Law". Losers and unproductives benefit the most from socialism and welfare state, so we would expect them to be the most eager supporters of socialism. As they generally are, as you can see simply by looking at them.

I have never really read Trish Wilson's writings, but of course the simple fact that she is an outspoken and often-linked-to feminist made me happy to hear that she and her husband are currently in dire financial straits, as explained in the post "Help Us! Trish And Bill Are In Trouble!!" I shall post the link here since am sure my fellow paleoconservatives will get a few chuckles out of it, since the whole thing pretty much reads like some wingnut's crude parody of the typical leftist mindset. As a taste, few choice bits:

I just put a PayPal donations button at the very top of my left sidebar. If any of my readers are able to send us money, we will be eternally grateful. The Count has a possible job with a game company lined up, but we don't know when he'll be called in for an interview. I have some very good opportunities with about six erotica magazines, but they are new, and they won't start paying for a few months.

Now, that is not the line that I would personally use to beg handouts from the feminist community, well known for its angry opposition of pornstitution. But of course, when women produce porn, it is called "erotica", which is, like, totally different. Men can also enjoy textual porn, it's just that occasionally we have to be reminded in a bit more concrete fashion why we enjoy it.

If anyone reading this is able to donate money to us using that PayPal donations button, both of us will be eternally grateful. The best I can do to pay it back is to post one of my erotic stories on my blog for everyone once we are out of the Financial Danger Zone.

Go ahead. No. On second thought, I'd pay you $10 not to.

The main thing that worries us is rent. We live in Massachusetts, where rental price gouging is part of the state's Constitution. We pay out the ass for rent, and now we can't afford it. There are no affordable places to live anywhere in our area or even a bit beyond it. This is as good as it gets, and it bites us in the ass. If you've ever lived in Massachusetts, or read about the obscenely high rents and mortgages here, you know that we are being eaten alive. Help us!!!

Since the work of editor and writer can be done pretty much anywhere, I can think of at least one simple solution to this problem. No, it is not rent control. But at least it is poetic justice when leftists have to suffer from the practical economic consequences of their "smart growth" and "can't build anything anywhere" policies.

Help us! We are circling the drain!! Please keep us afloat so that we don't have to live in my mother's house. My mother is moving in a year to a senior apartment, so we wouldn't be able to stay for long anyway. Besides, she's a fundamentalist, conservative, born-again Christian. The Count is an atheist, and I practice Wicca and Voudou. Hey, whatever works. I don't believe that stuff for a moment, but I do get results for some odd reason. Just not right at the moment.

Isn't it funny how often stereotypes turn out to be accurate? Which is, of course, the very reason why leftists hate stereotypes and generalizations.

3. You'll get tips about how to live simply, without spending much money.

Just like I would expect my dentist to have flawless teeth, I would expect my financial advisor to have his own financial house in perfect order. Obviously, whatever frugality tips these people are peddling, they are not working even for them, so I would take them with a pinch of salt. I am not entirely sure how old this particular purveyor of smut is, but I assume from the general overall style that she is about forty. If at that age a person has no savings and still lives in a rental unit, most certainly she is not a "millionaire next door". If she had followed even the most rudimentary principles of frugal lifestyle and investing 10% of all her income, at that age she should be able to easily weather a storm of several years with the accumulated savings. But then again, living that way would require "a future time orientation", and we all know what that is code for.


This is incredibly lame, but isn't it conservatives who stress the importance of voluntary, private giving? It's usually the conservative sites I read (NRO, Vdare) that are constantly begging for donations.

Actually, if you read the comments, they have a son in high school.

I guess they could still move, but...look! A liberal woman sacrificing for her offspring! Call the Feminist Police!

This is incredibly lame, but isn't it conservatives who stress the importance of voluntary, private giving? It's usually the conservative sites I read (NRO, Vdare) that are constantly begging for donations.

May be, but there is a difference between asking donations for maintaining a site and begging for your basic necessities.

Second, if I was reduced to begging money from strangers in my blog to keep the roof over my head, I don't think that I'd have the sheer nerve to present grandiose schemes of total reorganization of society, the way feminists do.

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