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I observed it, and its sociological significance intrigued me

I noticed that Rate My Professors has updated its look and serves advertisement videos with the ratings. Since it's been a few months, I went to see if any students have posted anything new about me, but on my page there was only one new grade and comment. It was pretty positive and motivating, though.

At the blogger dashboard, I noticed that the number of posts in this blog is now over 400. Time sure flies when you are doing stuff you like. The same way as at the post number 200, I intended to post an "open thread" for my readers at post number 400 to express their opinions on this blog and what they would like to read about in general. Since I missed this round figure and it's Friday, I might as well do it now. So, open thread. Let me know what you like and dislike, what topics you want more and what you want less.

Many blogs get dozens of comments to even their most insignificant posts, but I rarely seem to get more than two or three. Therefore, as an added incentive to comment, there won't be any new posts in this blog until this post has accumulated at least twenty comments by the same number of individual readers. (Or who knows, maybe this is a disincentive to comment. We'll see.)


Well, this one has nothing to do with the subject and it's in Finnish. So this piece of information is here for your personal amusement.


As far as comments go, quality is always better than quantity.

I enjoy your comments on feminism and leftist ideas and the way you crush them one after the other. :)

I hope you'd write more about the movies you go see, because your reviews and observations are always interesting and fresh. Take for example your observations on "V for Vendetta" and "X-Men: The Last Stand", which I enjoyed reading.

As a final note, as I am your old student from TUT, I'd like to hear your general comments on artificial intelligence research, and why you think creating a true general purpose AI is not feasible ever (or if you think so?) no matter how the computational power increases.

I distinctly appreciate the tensions & ironies you notice in the standard academic liberal worldview & such -- like how white guys could actually be praised for being so open to marrying asian chicks!

Also, I love your cultural reflections on Finland, Canada, wherever. I knew nothing of the Swedish cultural oppression in Finland, and I find it fascinating. (Also, saunas as such an "obvious" necessity intrigues me; I don't usually see such diversity in what's regarded as basic equipment for living.)

First! Eka!

Certainly the big American partisan blogs gather lots of comments, but that's because journalism is largely about entertainment - nobody likes plain, "cynical" facts.

As an old reader I think your blog has only improved after you switched to English. It's also good that you have been translating some worthy Finnish texts in English. Your texts are often very good and nice to read, however, I think you often end up repeating yourself, especially when discussing your (our) favorite subject, lunatic socialists and feminists. I will still probably continue to check this blog for links and commentary on recent events as long as you'll keep blogging. Perhaps I could also try becoming a more active commenter, but I doubt I'll have anything to add to most of your posts.

Go go go. More postings.

I agree with anonymous #6. You should do less ranting about feminists and leftists, because we have heard them and we agree with them.

Is it possible to for you to comment world politics?

I liked your posts about comics. Me too was reading Marvel, GI Joe, Nemesis and Judge Dredd when I was a kid.

- Syltty

Perhaps one reason there are so few comments, is that you post writings so often, so that there is no time for readers to respond to anything fast enough for the latest post (if they are lazy readers and read e.g. once a week). A few will post comments to the older posts way down the blog column. If a person blogs once or twice a week, much more people will have the opportunity to comment on the latest post. I am not saying you should post less frequently, I like reading those once a day or so.

Hear, hear!

Perhaps one reason there are so few comments, is that you post writings so often, so that there is no time for readers to respond to anything fast enough for the latest post (if they are lazy readers and read e.g. once a week). A few will post comments to the older posts way down the blog column. If a person blogs once or twice a week, much more people will have the opportunity to comment on the latest post. I am not saying you should post less frequently, I like reading those once a day or so.

Keep it as it is. I love your take on the oblivious stupidity and utter hilarity of the feminists and socialists.

Other than for a season as a preteen, comics never caught on with me. I am not smart enough to understand about programming.

Other than that, I find just about everything you write interesting.rxujcru

There, I have done my part.


This comment is mostly just to get you to post again. Keep it up!

I suppose I haven't read your blog long enough to get tired of the dead horses you so mercilessly beat.

My programming knowledge isn't nearly at the level I wish it was, but I still find your posts on the subject interesting, even when some of it is over my head.

I found you recently. Just keep doing what you're doing.
I guess this ends my career as a life coach/mentor. Que sira sira
Steve N.

No one is doing impressions. Rich Little thinks he's a badass. Just imagine doing impressions via a keyboard. You'll be on the cutting edge. The spoken word guys will buy your beers and surrender their women to your superiority.
Does 25 percent of the take seem fair? It was my idea?

As you are interested in games, you should definitely do a study of online low limit poker strategies. With your intellect it should be easy to beat.

Stop demanding attention, just continue writing. :)

I was tempted to just comment, "Shut up and keep writing." But I'll be a bit nicer.
My Finnish fiancé (okay, Swedish-Finn. Last time I told a Finn that, her face puckered up like she'd just sucked on a lemon) introduced me to this blog once it turned English and I've been enjoying it ever sense.

Hej Ilkka!

Jag läser din blogg aktivt, men jag orkar inte alltid läsa alla dina inlägg, eftersom du tenderar att upprepa dej själv ganska mycket. Din blogg har en stor mängd trevliga texter med bra länkar. Tyvärr skriver du ibland ganska långa inlägg som man alltid inte orkar/hinner läsa och därför hamnar man och vara selektiv. Jag tror att orsaken till varför en stor del av läsarna inte kommenterar på din blogg beror på att allt flera läser bloggar genom RSS-feeds, som gör kommenterandet obekvämare. Själv kommenterar jag bloggar nästan aldrig och läser absolut inte andras kommentarer, speciellt inte från bloggar som inte är modererade.

Thank you all for your opinions that I will take heed of.

There are twenty comments now, but Andrewpundit has commented twice, so one more is needed before I publish the next few posts that I have already written.

I very much enjoy your posts, and would like to hear more of what you might have to say on politics and artifical intelligence. I don't have a great deal of time for blogs, having a life and all, but of the 6 blogs on my favorites list, you were the third one added.

As much as I like your own writing, I must admit that I often come here for links (and excerpts) to interesting essays and articles. You seem to have touch for good stuff.

(Or you just happen to follow all the relevant blogs, I don't care.)

As for something specific, I'd like to know what you, or anyone else for that matter, make of the theory of intelligence Jeff Hawkins has been putting forward [1]. I think it's mind-blowing but I don't know diddlysquat about artifical intelligence, or, for example, current state-of-the-art in computer vision systems, or the subject in general.

[1] Numenta's white paper. The book is called On Intelligence.

Don't listen to the voices urging you to lay off on the feminists and lefties. Have at 'em lad! Och du får gärna slå flera slag mot Sverige för denna läsares räkning.

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