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I guess somebody forgot the rules of Project Mayhem

A few weeks ago I was outraged to tears when the racist Toronto police raided the black community of Jamestown to continue to deprive it of its young males. That must have been the worst incident of racial profiling that I have ever seen anywhere. But even this act of oppression was small potatoes compared to the events that have been causing headlines during the past few days. All this time, I have been waiting to see what the arch-conservative reactionary government of Stephen Harper would do to consolidate and cement its power, and what do you know, they concocted a scheme where they have arrested 17 people and accused them of imaginary "terror" plot to scare the Canadian people to obey them and give them more powers. How convenient!

If this isn't outrageous enough to start with, the RCMP revealed that it had used Internet surveillance and warrantless wiretaps to capture these people. So we can't even express opinions on the Internet and call our friends any more without living in fear of police watching over our shoulder?!?!?! Besides, this whole thing totally reeks of entrapment. Somehow, I have a feeling someone’s civil rights were violated during all this “investigating” and “probing.” And if that’s the case, well, then the terrorists will have already won, and we are not an iota better than them. I am so angry right now that I had to print out a hundred pictures of Chimpy W. Hitler and his Canadian lapdog Stephen Halliburper and tear them to shreds, just to calm my nerves while I chain-smoked a pack of cigarettes.

Even if this alleged "terror" threat were genuine, it would only raise serious questions about the new ominous right-wing direction that the Canadian society is taking. Why are we so reluctant to listen to the opinions of those who feel that they have been shut out so that their only possibility to make their voice heard are desperate acts of violence? According to the news article, the members of this group of rebels, misfits and outcasts represented a wide variety of diverse social groups. (According to the news, "The suspects are said to include Canadians in their teens and 20s upset over the treatment of Muslims worldwide." So you see, there must be Christians and Jews too, upset about the treatment of their Muslim brothers.)

Shouldn't it be a real cause of worry when such a diverse group of people feels that violence is their only way of making a difference? We can't let this cycle of violence escalate any further, so instead of striking back, we should try to engage this group in communication and really listen to what these concerned activists have to say about the atrocities that our racist, sexist and capitalist society constantly commits against women, gays, the disabled and other similar minority communities. We simply have brought this upon ourselves with our arrogance.

In today's morning news, we had to watch absolutely sickening images of the scared neighbours reciting their horrible experiences of watching the armed policement arresting these men, who were their neighbours. Their voices shivered with fear for this display of the power of the police state, knowing perfectly well that if they also dare to speak up, they will be similarly dealt with. Even more horribly, for some strange reason, my fellow leftist bloggers have been totally silent about this outrage. There are no Renfaires or Gay Pride marches scheduled for this weekend, so the only possibility is that they are huddling in fear for their own lives! Has the neocon power grab of America really already gone this far? We must speak up now before there is nobody left!

We must make Canada more accepting and tolerant so that things like this will never happen again. Of course, the media is already striking up hysteria about these innocent youths who their friends called "Dougie", "Gordie", "Timbit" and "The Rocket", and the vibrant and peaceful communities of diverse minorities that they came from. Why do we always have to be do prejudiced against these people? You can see the end result of such racist and patriarchal fanning of flames in the news article "Awful Act". Read it and read it again, and if you are not burning with rage after this, you must be dead inside. If there is even a drop justice left in Canada, the RCMP will strike without mercy against there utterly despicable vandals and terrorists and everybody who in any way supported them. These crimes are such a serious threat to society that the cops should use any means necessary to find these people and then throw them to jail after a serious beating and throw away the key forever!!!! Just like in the Duke rape case, presumption of innocence is a luxury that we can no longer afford, since the very future of our multicultural nation at stake!

Once I am finished with this post, I simply have to go see my Muslim boyfriend and comfort him for having it so bad over here in the racist Canada. Let's hope that he hasn't already been locked up in a secret prison somewhere. Nobody is illegal! Stop the deportations! We need more inexpensive housing! Stop the private health care! Free Mumia! Down with AmeriKKKa!


I love your sarcasm!:))

Speak truth to power, sister! Speak truth to power!

Stop the embargo of Cuba! Viva Venezuela! Stop the intimidation of Iran! Why did they have to kill Tookie!?! Capitalist bastards.

Keep speaking truth to power!

I have a solution: Riverboating.

We will need some wise women, on our raft, sister, as we probably grow up.

Plainly we have failed to provide these young Islamo-Canadians with enough community centres. Shame on us!

Canadiens can also come and take your homeland;):

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