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Ignore the market reality at your own peril

Economists sure know how to cut through crap and reveal what is important. First, the post "Friends Don’t Let Friends Trade Value For Value?" at Catallarchy wonders why exactly person A should sell a good or service for person B for less than the market value simply because A and B are friends. Why not the other way around, so that when you buy something from a friend, you should be paying more? Next, to pave way for the upcoming summer blockbuster movie, the post "The macroeconomics of Superman" at Marginal Revolution asks what would be the optimal way for Superman to use his mighty powers to help the mankind. Why waste his time on small stuff such as catching petty criminals when he could be doing so many things on the grand scale?

I remember linking to the news article "Big Game Hunters" years ago in my old blog. Glad to see that it is still there to remind people of the garish reality. Like The Danimal once noted, even though we ever meet only a tiny percentage of the six billion people on Earth, the overall sexual market (which reflects the choices, preferences, and opportunities of all those 6 billion people) shapes the choices available to you, just as the kind of house you buy depends on what everybody else is buying. Fat women certainly learn this lesson quickly, seeing that their choices among men tend to be limited to those men that their slender and thus more attractive sisters would immediately reject in disgust. Pray tell, fatties, is it really worth it to stuff your face with donuts?

Of course, Ann Coulter is many things but not obese. I am personally not a big fan of fundy creationists such as Ann, and I guess that her appeal is more in the American neocon and theocon crowd that I am not really part of. Even so, the post "Wealthy 9/11 widows and Ann Coulter" at Half Sigma pretty much sums up the thoughts that I had when I first read about the generous compensation paid to people whose spouses dies in the 9/11 attacks. People die every day from all causes, but their families don't get enriched by it. So if you die in a big and flashy way that makes headline news, then it's somehow different?

My favourite British writer Theodore Dalrymple is at it again with the new essay "All or Nothing". The essay is about Islam, it makes a very important point about Western leftists in that we should not be fooled of how moderate and peaceful and reasonable and even pleasant they appear to be, since this is only due to their powerlessness that stems from the historical accident that they did not gain power over here. Wherever leftists did get power, they soon revealed to the whole world what they really are.

For some reason, my traffic has increased. These days I seem to get about 500 visitors each day, and then there are those who read this through RSS. Few other blogs seem to be linking here and to my posts, though, but it's always amusing when I get to read somebody else repeat an idea or observation that I have made earlier. It feels like I made a difference somewhere. And I don't mind, since I am not a "corpoist", as Tommi has named the ideology in which the truth value of a proposition depends on who presents it. I present and combine ideas that I get from elsewhere all the time. In the end, only ideas matter, not the people. Whenever I read a good idea or paragraph somewhere else, I am just as happy to repeat it here as I would be if I had come up with it myself.

To see a recent example of this sly effect on people's thoughts, in the post "The Hot 100 - Radically Redefining “Hot” To Mean…Hot" at Creative Destruction, Robert has noticed the same absolutely hilarious hypocrisy that I noticed and pointed out the very moment I myself became aware of the site "The Real Hot 100" that showcases hot leftist women as an "alternative" to the Maxim bimbos. For all the size acceptance and anti-lookism and equalism of the feminist gang, their site features very few women who are even mildly overweight, let alone obese. Go on, try to find some. Once again, what people say and what they actually do are two very, very different things! In a way, this is actually a good sign: for all their punky spirit to change the world, perhaps even the feminists understand how marginal and alien their whole worldview is, and understand that they must keep it in their safe spaces so that they wouldn't become public laughingstocks.

This serious omission of fat feminist women should still be fixed at once. I am sure that there must be at least dozens of 300-pound-plus land whales in the leftist blogosphere for the equalists to nominate and this way balance the ranks. Therefore, I promise that I will certainly go on and nominate the next one that I encounter in my virtual travails. Just to see what will happen.


The funny thing about overweight ladies is that I have seen a number of programs in the last year about that subject.

CSI had an episode about a guy who enjoyed porking them, but he was squashed (dead) by one. Sort of poetic justice.

Then there was Hillary Duff who pretended to be one for a day. Kind of appropriate, really.

Some people think that Ann Coulter is actually a man. Farfetched, maybe, but (s)he does have an unusually prominent Adam's apple ....

Iron Rails & Iron Weights

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