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How's this an idea for a sitcom: Luke and Lance, two gay Jewish guys in New York

Now that AIDS has been with us for 25 years, I tried to read the essay collection "Queer and Loathing" by the gay activist David F. Feinberg. In the book jacket picture of the author, he sports a gay moustache and wears a black leather jacket. A little bit of googling revealed that poor David has actually been dead for over a decade now --- I wonder what took this fine young man away from our midst before his time? The blurbs on the cover, though each one by people whose names I didn't recognize, promised me that this book would be great and devastatingly funny and that its author is really "outspoken" and "witty". Of course, having observed the leftist minds in action, I should by now know by heart what these words are code for.

It probably wasn't a surprise that this book was mostly incoherent rambling without any kind of narrative or logic or message or argument, all presented in stream-of-consciousness style of almost like some wingnut's parody of a stereotypical gay man. I swear that I could hear the high-whining "ooh, I'm so bitchy" lisp and see this guy prancing around as I read even his perfectly ordinary words, in an extremely annoying way that I have never encountered before this, not even while I have read the notable gay writers of the blogosphere. Of course, this wouldn't preclude the text being funny on purpose. But like I said, incoherent rambling. I have read humour from all sides of the fence, and this simply is not humour. I am also probably not too wrong if I make a wild guess that many of these essays (and since the book is so incoherent, it actually took me a while to realize that it is a collection of separate essays) were originally published in the Village Voice.

Yeah, I know. You don't have to say it, leftists. I am simply homophobic, so for that reason I can't see or admit what a great mind and supreme sharp-witted dry humorist this guy really is. Just like the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence", who are the ultimate in witty and sharp social criticism. I am certain the depiction of David's anal warts, like, really touched your soul for being so authentic. And the only reason why I didn't find his tenth or so depiction (I didn't care to count) how they burned an effigy of Ronald Reagan for causing the gay holocaust to be rip-roaringly hilarious is because I must be a reaganite. There can simply be no other possible explanation.

This book was immensely useful to me in one sense, though, by establishing that the gay men and their leftist admirers really must have a different brain, if they in all seriousness consider this book to be good. A more likely explanation, of course, might be that anything by an ideological compatriot is by definition good and smart and witty, the output of a world-class intellect. If this book truly represents the best that ACT-UP and other loud gay activists whose ranks the AIDS epidemic has slowly but surely decimated can come up with, it's no wonder that their situation has always been such a mess. Jesus, homophobes should just leave these idiots alone and watch them self-destruct. Even better, the homophobes should bankroll gays like this and ensure that they are the first thing that Joe Q. Average associates homosexuality to.

This book also mentioned the AIDS activist Larry Kramer in a few places, tearfully urging me to listen to what he has to say. All right, I'll humour you this time, since you asked so nicely and are dead, so please don't come haunt me. I had previously seen that name mentioned in a couple of places, so naturally I had to look it up to learn more. To my disappointment, good old Larry is not a character from Seinfeld, despite his name. I would still like to point out that judging by the title "We Must Love One Another Or Die" of his essay anthology, Larry doesn't even seem to understand the basic mechanism of how HIV mainly spreads in the gay male population.



After watching a PBS documenturary on the search for an aids cure, I mad a conclusion: the virus that causes AIDS is so adroit biochemically, that a vaccination may be our only real hope in stopping it. It mutates to easily, and hides in body sugars against our immune system.

So much of what happens bad in the body, the IMMUNE SYSTEM roots out and kills for us. If your immune system cant "see" a virus because its hiding in sugars in the body like HIV does........we have a huge problem. Some African women have been found to have immune systems that seem to recognize HIV for what it is and kills us, but most people dont. They are being studied as we speak.

The gay community is going to have to realize that there proboably will never be a retroactive cure for this disease once its cultivated itself in someone for a few months. Weve never really "cured" sophisticatd viruses. It sucks, but the biochemistry in areas like this apparently are stratospherically complicated. Prevention is the very best cure for this disease at the moment. Stem-cell advances proboably wont help us as time goes by on this either, neither will the mapping of the human genome.

I must mention this before I leave also. Even if we culture a working vaccination, mutated forms of the virus over time may be so different as to present themselves as almost completely new diseases that even the vaccination will not protect against. Unproteceted anal sex in certain populations really is playing Russian Roulette. The gay community leaders need to hammer this point home to the people who will listen to them. The drug coctails that have been synthesized against the viruse's effects are great, but are offering a false sense of security as people with HIV appear healthy and still attractive. Magic Johnson is a terrific example of this.

For all of you out there who just hate fags and want them all to die, remember......if AIDS becomes especially rampant among them, it will undoubtably enter the heterosexual population more and more through bisexual contact, effecting many of us also. Those drug coctails are very expensive, and your health insurance may or may not cover them. HIV is tough on all society, even if just financially.


Your comment is truly strange, especially the part about AIDS becoming rampant among fags.

Where have you been the last 25 years or so? It already was rampant, wiping out whole communities in San Fran. We were endlessly warned that it would spread to heterosexuals, but it never did. This is the huge mystery that has never been explained, at least to my satisfaction.

In the US, studies have shown that it is essentially impossible for a heterosexual man to acquire AIDS if he isn't sharing needles to shoot heroin. However, we're told that AIDS is rampant among heterosexual men in Africa. What's up with that? Why are White men in America immune while Black men in Africa are susceptible. Sounds awefully fishy to me.

disgruntled wrote.......... "Where have you been the last 25 years or so? It already was rampant, wiping out whole communities in San Fran. We were endlessly warned that it would spread to heterosexuals, but it never did. This is the huge mystery that has never been explained, at least to my satisfaction"

Then let me explain if for you. When aids came to the nations attention in the early eighties, us straights were so scared shitless of it, that we were afraid to shake hands with a homosexual, or about anyone else who had a withered, sickly appearance (Unlike Africa). We heeded warnings about using condoms during sex (unlike africa). We do not have societal norms that require men to take the wives of deceased brothers, even if they died of Aids (Unlike Africa). We had a huge mass media thats in our face and ears every day to warn us about this epidemic and how its spread many times a day (Unlike Africa). We generally have clean needles, medical equipment, and blood supplies (Unlike Africa), we have more monogamy after marriage and less people who engage in sex with many people that Africa does. We do not have polygamy while its still practiced in parts of Africa. We have an almost universal literate population that can discern facts about HIV (Unlike Africa).

Are you beginning to see why some sub-Saharan African nations have 20% and more of adult populations that are HIV positive and we dont? Diseases hit the poor and illiterate in temperate areas harder than the rest of the world.

BUT , if we get overconfident in drug cocktails by seeing people like Greg Louganis and Magic Johnson living healthy-looking lives (while actually having a disease that would proboably kill them in a couple of years or so if left untreated), we can get complacent, go back to 1976-style sexuality when penicillin and the pill and abortion could take care of everything and develop an ugly little problem ourselves. Its never gonna be the late 70's (ask an older uncle how it was when he was a bartender back then) where men bed different women every weekend until they are in their late 20's. Thats over for good.

Actually, there is a good chance that there is more homosex in Africa than is usually reported, and a lot of the transmission is likely done through sharing medical hypodermic needles rather than through sex.

Michael Fumento has discussed this.

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