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The praxis of the streets

I remember when I happened to browse a Finnish animal liberation activism site years ago. This site provided detailed instructions on how to commit arson and build bombs, and it linked approvingly to anonymous emails that described various acts of vandalism and harassment. In the public sphere, the leaders of the animal rights movement pretended to condemn vandalism and harassment as they rose in the ranks of the Green Party, but then one of their leaders was caught in the act one night with a blast from a shotgun, which apparently convinced him to choose some safer occupation. Of course, the Greens still keep denying that animal rights activists have anything to do with them, even though they keep mollycoddling them and are really concerned about the way that the police state oppresses these young activists. (It is important for every revolutionary organization to carefully separate its legal wing and its... "activist" wing. For every activists who actually engages in violence, there are a dozen sympathizers who pave the road for him and serve as metaphorical lookouts, all the while proclaiming their plausible deniability.)

I just love it when leftists bring out in the open what they are really like, so that my readers don't have to just take my word for this but can see it for themselves. A case in point today, VeganKid, a profeminist fatty humper (but I repeat myself) recently posted "Letter Writing Sunday #8" at the popular lefty site "Alas, A Blog". This post is a heartfelt plea to release a convicted arsonist who is a "political prisoner". Go read the whole thing. I mean it. Especially you should read VeganKid's evasive and whitewashy comments in which he pretty much explains that violence and harassment are unfortunate, but their side is forced to engage in these acts by the evil corporations and the System (for example, see this bulletin that says the same thing more explicitly and honestly), and that there isn't really anything wrong with vandalism provided that these actions are targeted against right people. Oh, sorry, did I say "targeted"?

They did list addresses of people that they labeled as targets, but they never meant target as in ‘end of a barrel’. Target as in, “our next target is the Montgomery bus system.” Its common activist terminology.

Sorry, my mistake. (One wonders if when the leftists write "Die, right-winger", this word "Die" is really the German article, so that in effect they are merely saying "The right-winger", a perfectly neutral expression.)

Of course, it is a standard and well-known tactic of the animal rights activists to deny that they form any kind of organization or a united front, but every member works alone and thus represents only himself. After all, it's not like they have membership cards or anything. How convenient, perhaps the mafia could try the same defense the next time they end up in court. Oh, sorry, it looks like that I made a mistake again:

The mafia fights for power-over. SHAC fights to equalize power structures. Big difference.

Truly. This denial of being an organization is especially hilarious when we remember that the animal rights groups gleefully publish the said acts of vandalism and arson and relish in them, and then go on to publish the home addresses of their opponents for future "actions" and instructions on how to commit acts of vandalism and arson. It's funny that the same excuse doesn't seem to fly for the pro-life "terrorists", that is, people who harass abortion doctors and vandalize abortion clinics the exact same way that these concerned leftists harass and vandalize their opponents and call their acts "civil disobedience".

For those of you too busy or disgusted to read VeganKid's own words, here are a few choice cuts of the rationalizations that he offers:

The targets of the wake-ups (which very few home demos actually consist of waking people up) are in a house while those doing the waking are outside, and the targets can easily put a stop to it by severing their ties to a company that kills and tortures animals.

I think I once saw an episode of Sopranos where Tony had his underlings use this technique. I guess that this wasn't wrong, since the person who they targeted could easily put a stop to this harassment by deciding to give money to Tony. But here I go again comparing the animal rights activists to mafia, even though I shouldn't.

Well, for one, the Nuremberg files was a website dedicated to stopping abortion clinics and doctors who performed abortions. The SHAC site was dedicated to stopping unnecessary testing from killing 500 animals a day. The NFs had no clear statements against harming humyns, SHAC did. SHAC focused on an economic campaign (like the South African divestment campaign - from which they got their inspiration and insight), the NFs did not. The NFs were anti-choice assholes, SHAC is not. People listed on the NF site died. No one listed on the SHAC site ever died (though several of them did choose early retirement).
but in defense of the ALF and LI-ADL, in thirty years of existence, they have never harmed a single animal, humyn or otherwise. In fact, to even associate your action with the ALF, ADL, or SHAC the #1 rule is that no harm is to be done to any animal, humyn or not. The people they are targeting make a lot of money killing 500 animals a days.

and only a few lines after these words, the very same comment continued with the words...

I agree that there was pretty much no sympathy for Mr. Cass after he was injured. I think he was greatly vilified (after all he was the symbol of everything they were working against) and several members of the SHAC7 already stated that they would have done things differently in retrospect. And i believe that there was only one persyn who hit Mr. Cass. And yes, that persyn was an active participant in SHAC actions (SHAC does not have membership or a centralized organization - each persyn represents themselves, not SHAC).

I would say that it is very revealing that a major lefty site such as Alas chooses to publish this and this way give a voice to this man. But if they do, then so will I, since this is what leftism is like once you scrape away the veneers of the pretty rhetoric of equality and how they just want to make the world a better place. Leftists know by now that since they have nothing positive to contribute to society, they cannot win by letting people control their own lives and be the way they want to be, so they can ultimately make a difference only by using violence.

To save the best part for the last, since VeganKid doesn't seem to think that there is anything wrong with arson, the fiery events described in his post "You Never Know" must then be poetic justice of the most hilarious kind. You know, just for that I think I'm going to barbeque a big and juicy piece of meat for dinner tonight!

Update: Steve Dutch's essay "The Problem With Pacifism" perfectly reveals the hypocrisy of "nonviolent" animal liberation activists who then go cheer the violence that is perpetrated by their fellow travellers.

1 comment

The targets of the wake-ups (which very few home demos actually consist of waking people up) are in a house while those doing the waking are outside, and the targets can easily put a stop to it by severing their ties to a company that kills and tortures animals.

Oh, you've covered that one too. My personal favorite.

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