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Vice city

Rasmusen has an interesting post "Hypocrisy: Vice, or Virtue?" that wonders whether it is better for a politician to say one thing in public and then do the other thing in private, compared to being honest in public about what he does in private.

Speaking of people who are perhaps too explicit about their opinions, Noob brings us a YouTube video of a man who probably has aspirations of becoming the next edgy "bad boy" comedian. Hey, what else could you possibly do these days to really be "edgy" and "bad" these days? The video feels a bit staged, though, so that all people seen there are actors who are in on the game. For starters, they don't seem to pay much attention to the cameraman, which is somewhat strange.


Wow. In the guys first bit, I honestly had no idea where he was going with that truck full of mexicans. When I saw the sign, I laughed so hard my sides hurt. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish the rest of his video, because it was too embarassing. Ultimately, I think this sort of thing just hurts the anti-immigration movement, because it will convince the Mexicans (and the Asians and the blacks and whoever else) that all americans really are racist pigs.

I had a hunch what was going to happen, although I assumed that he would take the men to the border.

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