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Just like in Coupling

In response to my earlier post "Know how to please me" about Sarah Jane Porter, the London woman who intentionally spread HIV to as many men as she could, my British reader sent me the following email, which I am publishing here with his permission.

I notice you read about the London lady who gave her multiple black sexual partners HIV. I know the area where she lives quite well. There is a huge amount of racial tension in Kennington as the Muslims and black Africans have been flooding into the area over the past few years and now they are being followed on by East Europeans (there already was a huge West Indian population there).

Needless to say crime is almost totally out of control there. There are a number of things:

1) The sheer numbers involved in the black immigration flood. Officially the figures are stable but there are ways of finding out the real picture and a good one is looking at the school rolls which show Muslim/African surnames coming into local schools at record numbers. 70% in many schools twenty minutes away from Big Ben and the House of Commons.

2) The impact of this on the schooling of white boys, especially. Officially they are slipping behind because their white underclass single parent families don't have the same values as the Africans who are often two-parented. The real reason the whites are falling behind though is that resources are pumped into teaching immigrant kids with English-as-a-second-language. A whole layer of teaching that only applies to the foreigners.

3) The extent of black violence. We used to have turn ourselves inside out thinking of ways of denying this. Basically you have to look for "red herring" issues like the fact that hardware stores stock knives. So they become the scapegoat of the week. Then it might be violence on TV, racism, or cuts in school funding. Then the police take the blame because they are not patrolling every square foot of the street 24 hours a day.

4) White flight. This has become a huge phenomenon in London but is totally officially denied. The exodus of white families out into the home counties is officially because they want a bit more countryside. A five minute chat with an estate agent (realtor) would reveal the real reasons. I used to drink with one and he was very funny about the euphemisms they had to use i.e a neighbourhood was "vibrant" and had a lot of "urban edginess", "colourful" etc. etc. The result is that the whites that tend to be left in our inner city projects tend to be elderly, infirm or too dysfunctional through drink and drugs to escape.

I knew a girl from one of the housing projects there who was desperate to get her two girls away from the blacks on their housing project (council estate). Eventually she had to resort to getting a job in the one place where they would take someone with no experience and give them good money i.e. in the Council as a - get this - Race Equality Officer. She was eventually able to save enough money to get her kids out of that hellhole.

Another thing you might like to know about Kennington. Two of the London 7/7 bombers lived on housing estates there. Needless to say they were extensively into welfare fraud of a quite ingenious type and heavily enabled by their extended families.

Less than a week after the bombings and when their premises were already being raided and searched I came across an angry old white man coming out of a housing association meeting. He was shaking with anger.

The reason he told me was that the (left wing) Tenants and Association Committee had already decided that the re-housing of the bomber's families was a priority. The meeting, stacked with local radicals, Muslims and blacks, had left him under no illusions that their sympathies were with the bombers 100 per cent. Had to calm down myself after that.

Anyway, here is yet another Daily Mail story showing how progress marches onwards and upwards in Britain. It is about the growing trend of mothers to desert their husbands and children so that they can fulfil themselves. It is called "How can a mother leave her children" and it is by Amanda Cable.


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