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Those beautiful boys and their delicate little holes

John Derbyshire said in one of his recent Derb Radio broadcasts that the main problem with homosexuals is their gayness. As I explained in my old post "All things just keep getting better", I am surprisingly positive towards gay men, but whenever gayness and leftism intersect, the result is pretty sad. Or humorous, depending on your point of view. Please allow me to elaborate.

I read in the newspaper yesterday that the Canadian gay rights groups oppose the new bill that would raise the age of consent in Canada from 14 to 16 with a five-year age window. I already knew that leftists oppose this change (and it is not just a kneejerk reaction to oppose anything by the Harper government, but a genuine desire to bang teenagers: where's the fun in being a Che Guevara -style revolutionary if you can't have a harem of teenagers?), but it's amusing to see gays wanting to commit similar political suicide, since the whole thing is like something out of a fundy Christian anti-gay material.

I did some googling and discovered a group called Egale Canada. This strange name is apparently French, and it is not a misspelling of "Eagle", as in the "Eagle Conservatives" that certain homosexual American conservative blogger-journalist so often likes to tout. The article "Tories Introduce Bill to Boost Age of Sexual Consent" informs us that

Egale Canada, for one, adopted a policy on May 11 opposing any increase for the general age of consent, but favouring lowering the age of consent for anal sex, which now stands at 18. Egale says increasing the age will criminalize nonharmful sexual activity and could discourage young people from seeking health services because of legal proceedings. This could lead to 14- and 15-year-olds keeping their relationships secret and not getting help in the event they are being pressured into nonconsensual sex.

Egale is far from alone. Two Ontario-based gay-rights groups -- the Sex Laws Committee and the Coalition For Lesbian And Gay Rights In Ontario -- oppose raising the age of consent and plan to testify before Parliament. Like Egale, they want to see the age of consent for anal sex lowered from 18.

Silly me, here I have been thinking that anal sex is not a typically gay activity. So why the heck would the gay rights groups be in the forefront of demanding that adults of any age should be allowed to stick their dicks inside the delicate rectal tissues of 14-year-old teenagers? Yes, you read that right:

Recent studies show many youth today start having sex as young as 12. Many gay youth prefer sex with people older than their own age group and seek them out.

I'm sure they do, buddy. I'm sure they do. Just ask the gay hero Allen Ginsberg. God, I wish the participants of the recent Toronto Pride parade had had the nerve to say that one out loud, to give the middle class parents something serious to think about in addition to those colourful costumes and dresses. I wonder why the national media that gave the parade so much airtime didn't ask the gay groups about their opinion of the age of consent. (Rhetorical.)

Let's have a little thought experiment. Suppose there was a group of adult heterosexual men in their thirties and forties who demanded to have a right to have anal sex with teenagers as young as 14, and then went to proclaim that teenagers often come to them for sex, and how this is a wonderful and educational experience for these teens. "It wasn't my fault, your honor, she seduced me!" What do you think would happen? Do you think that most parents would feel safe in sending their teenage daughters to camps and youth groups that employ these men as councellors?

Another interesting fact that I learned was that Canadian AIDS advocacy groups oppose raising the age of consent. God, I wish all leftists were equally suicidal, there would be no need for me to write anything about them in this blog.


But as Könskriget showed, there are lots of lesbian women who routinely sleep with underage girls and get away with it. You see, it is called feminism, and a celebration of the girls' budding femininity.

You hadn't heard of Egale? Then you probably don't know that the former Liberal government used to let Egale vet all their gay-relevant policy proposals before going public with them. Sounds like right-wing paranoia, but I believe it's a fact.

Speaking of Allan Ginsburg, I met him once when I was 16. He was sure a friendly chap. Hey, he might have introduced me to Bob Dylan, a hero of mine who was in town, but perhaps at a high cost.

Speaking of lesbians, "Ringo Wilde", the polysexual sex commentator in our local Victoria alternative rag, bragged about being seduced by a 17 year old girl when she was 12, and coyly hinted that she had passed on the favour to a number of underaged girls since becoming an adult. Not a peep of protest, let alone a police investigation.

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