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System scan has revealed that you need a registry cleaner. Install?

I was reading a book while my wife was watching "Dotto Tech" on some cable channel, a show about computers. There was one reader email that said that the person asking the question is a beginner, and she is worried about viruses and spyware. So when her computer tells her that there is a Windows Update available, what should she do?

Think about this a minute. What would you answer a rank beginner who is asking this?

The answer lady of the show started her answer by telling emphatically that Windows Updates are extremely important, and that it is really bad to miss even one. You should always install these updates when your computer asks you to do this. The answer then went on to show how to ensure from the Settings that your computer automatically checks for updates regularly. And that's it: that concluded the answer.

I wish I was joking, but I am not. That really happened the way I described. I don't think I have ever seen a more vivid illustration of something that I recall Bruce Schneier always been saying, namely that computer security is a human problem, not a technical problem.

1 comment

As a Mac user, I got really quickly tuned in to the fraudulence of a lot of these "registry cleaners" when I got pop-up windows telling me that they had scanned my computer and found problems in my Windows registry. Uh-huh. They "scanned" my computer and can't tell what operating system I use?

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