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Interest only

Tommi has once again been observant:

For some reason, the [Finnish] social policies concerning alcohol are decided by groups whose relationship with alcohol is perverse: the religious rural folk and urban female social workers. Myself, I consider teetotalism to be a form of mental illness. Using alcohol is a typical way for our species to switch between modes of thinking between introverted-concentrated and extroverted-social. I have previously written about this.

Or consider the way that public discussion about sex is an almost exclusive domain of the gay men and frigid women. Two subgroups of the numerically insignificant fraction of humanity that actually has a problem with heterosexuality and the conventional ways of dating.

It would also seem to me that the people who say and write the most about various social and sociopolitical issues are the ones who repeatedly fail in those respects, and do so in rather trivial and predictable ways.

What I'm trying to say here is that interest itself is not a valuable thing. At least it doesn't indicate that you should listen to somebody because he is interested in something. If anything, it's the other way around.


Wow, Finns really do have it backwards when not drinking alcohol is considered insane.

So true. Interest in a subject with the associated pressure groups and think tanks should result in disqualification from having any input into policy formation. And that applies to left and right.

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