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And the whole world shall be our oyster

Predictions are a difficult business to be in, especially predicting the future. But not always. I noticed that Vox Day, that scourge of Western feminism, has linked approvingly to and extended the ideas in my recent post "The rich always eat first".

In his post "The globalization of availability", Vox casually notes something that I never even thought of, even though I really freaking should have, because I can remember how astonished I was when I first used the thing he mentioned, along with the little twenty dollar toy that we had bought. This will certainly make the development that I predicted to hit us even faster than I could imagine while I was writing that post. The freight train is rapidly approaching and the tracks are already faintly shaking even though most people can't even hear it yet, and all this because of one little word:


Jesus. If the words disruptive technology have ever applied anywhere, this is it. Now all those filthy rich (in the global scale) Western guys don't even have to leave their homes to meet the hordes of Third World women and take their time choosing from them. This is by far the most important social change in the near future that I have ever predicted in my blog, and remember: when they ask you this in ten years when the freight train has already smashed the world as we know it to smithereens, you read it here first.

When I think of the technological astonishment that I felt when I first used Skype with webcams, and remember that this is really just a prototype now, there is just no way of not seeing now what is going to happen. Well within a decade, Western women will seriously feel the same crushing competition of globalization that the manufacturing industries and other natural candidates of outsourcing are already quite familiar with.

Yes, I can hear the opposition already saying "Oh yeah, but all those tens of millions of women won't have Skype or computers, nor do they speak English." Heh, care to bet how long that will last? "Yeah, but only a minority of men will do that, and they are losers that we don't want to even look at!" Indeed, but the resulting market imbalance will make the rest of men also quite aware of their new and improved position, and this reversal in market reality is when we really get to see what most men really think of Western feminism and how they feel that relationships should work. We already know what happened to universities when they became two girls for every boy (gals, don't you find those girl-girl kisses to attract boys humiliating?), and now the blue collar guys get to join in the fun.

Oh yeah, and I should have known this already, since I was, like, that Finnish guy who met his future wife almost fourteen years ago on the Internet on the other side of the world. This was back when there really was no World Wide Web or anything else like that. I can remember how strange this was back then, so that for example, before our wedding in Canada, when the pastor heard this, he called a few other people over to let them also hear this strange story. I hope that the good reverend can still remember us in the future, when many intercontinental couples that he finds himself blessing tell him this same story of how they met.


There is another aspect to this phenomenon of western men going overseas to marry attractive dusky maidens.

Feminists, who seem extroardinarily unable to understand the consequences of their actions are actually creating a supply of competitors here in the US. They have caused legislation to be enacted that allows any foreign woman who is married to an American man to claim DV and thus fast-track her greencard application.

Enterprising non-US women can marry some loser who comes to her country, get to the US, claim DV, get a greencard, and then move up the food chain.

Way to go feminists.

A question,

How long after the nuptials and the green card before the foreign wives look for a lawyer to decouple from the gamma male and take advantage of all the benefits secured by feminists.

Here in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, divorce is lucrative for les femmes.

loki: Enterprising non-US women can marry some loser who comes to her country, get to the US, claim DV, get a greencard, and then move up the food chain.

True. But note that that only hurts the particular putz who brought her in. All other men benefit, assuming she still remains in her new country.

I wonder in which cognitive percentile we migth find young women who command a still scarce resource in their countries and who fluently converse in a foreign language? What will their removal do to the country and the remaining population?

True. But note that that only hurts the particular putz who brought her in. All other men benefit, assuming she still remains in her new country.

Of course, but my point was that feminist pressure brought that legislation to pass, and the net effect of the legislation is to create competition for feminists. The women who are freed by it surely are not going to stay away from the male partners of the women who fought for the legislation.

Personally, I am all in favor of increasing the supply of females in the US, and I don't think that it is in my interests to look out for the interests of men who I most likely share few genes with.

"and I don't think that it is in my interests to look out for the interests of men who I most likely share few genes with."

If you have to think about genetic interests when deciding who to side with, then you might as well not think about them at all.

If you have to think about genetic interests when deciding who to side with, then you might as well not think about them at all.

Well, of course, I use relatedness as a proxy :-)

Skype is changing things. I started back in the old penpal days, where one acvtually had to write letters and wait weeks for them to arrive.

Right now I am at an Internet cafe in the Philippines. The typical Filipina looking for a foreign husband does not have a comupter linked to the Internet at home. However, the cafe is about 40 cents an hour.

Practically every woman in here has the webcam going and is online with a foreign male.

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