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Sporty spice

When it is 36 degrees centigrade outside like yesterday, it's just too hot for me to go out. Thank goodness for air conditioning. I went out for a walk later in the evening when the temperature had fallen to a bit more tolerable levels. Along the way, I came upon a soccer field where little girls of perhaps about eight years old were playing, the green team against the blue team. Both teams only had five players plus the goalie in the field, even though the field was so big that a dozen adult men could have played in it. I guess that running back and forth in that huge field gives these little girls a good exercise in endurance training. I was especially wondering how the little goalie can run so far from her goalposts while holding the ball in her hands, but then I realized that she is still inside the area where she is allowed to do so.

Even though the girls were so young, I was surprised of the way that the play wasn't a total mishmash so that everybody just runs towards the ball at all times. And it's always good that girls are made to play zero-sum games, to better prepate them to how reality works later in the adulthood. But when one team scored (obviously the utterly silly offside rule was not in effect in this game), the scoring player hugged the goalie who had not caught the ball. Awww. On the side of the field, there was a whole bunch of those "soccer moms" we so often get to read about since they are somehow an important demographic. I watched them for my amusement for a while, then continued on my merry way.


Girls do play a zero sum game. Dating. It isn't a team sport though.

Beware you don't watch those eight year olds play too long, since you might be accused of pedophilia ;)

I have a photo of my wife when she was 10. Does that make me a pedophile?

Beware you don't watch those eight year olds play too long, since you might be accused of pedophilia ;)

You wrote that as a joke, of course, but I do remember once writing something about the way the average woman looks like based on the people I have seen on the campus, and later I read some feminist write that I am a "creep who checks out his students".

And then people wonder why I hate the femo-stalinists so much.

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