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Starts to whistle as he crosses the street

Even though it was quite hot, I took a long walk in the city today, so I literally look like a total redneck right now. After finishing "Locas", I felt like I could try some Mexican food, which I then had at the hippy-dippy Kensington market. After work, My wife will be going to see the Pirates movie with her mom tonight, and since I am not interested in seeing this movie at least on the big screen, I might as well enjoy the feeling of the stomach full of Mexican food and see if other people in the blogosphere are saying anything that me and my readers might be interested in.

Somebody once pointed out that these days it is more acceptable to talk about anal sex in public than about your salary. Half Sigma throws in the gauntlet with the post "The salary taboo" that asks everybody to reveal their salaries. Dennis Mangan raises this to revealing your net worth in his post "The salary taboo".

Today's issue of the Metro Toronto newspaper had an interview "Mr. Maybe doesn’t cut it" with the author of a new advice book for women called "Is He Mr. Right? Everything You Need To Know Before You Commit". This interview goes on to say that

Our research showed that the most powerful reason women miss out on finding Mr. Right is that they spend years with a guy they know is Mr. Wrong instead of dumping the dud fast and making themselves available to meet new guys.

I wonder what would happen if somebody similarly published a book that adviced men to dump their dumpy and unattractive girlfriends and wives and try to find better women. (Rhetorical, since we all know exactly what would happen.)

Maverick Philosopher has an interesting post "Moral Realism and Mackie's Argument from Queerness" that asks how it is possible to perceive moral wrongs the same way we perceive physical fact. In another post, he feels severe meta-disappointment towards himself:

I am disappointed in myself for allowing myself to be disappointed in others. He who seeks what cannot be found is bound to be disappointed. So I am disappointed in my failure to adjust my expectations to what reality allows.

Anal Philosopher takes a corpoist stance against anonymity in his post "Anonymity".

There is a series of TV commercials for some bank (the fact that I can't recall which bank it is tells you everything about how good these commercials are) in which a gentlemanly bank manager type actor is telling the viewers that somebody's hand is always in your pocket. Another bank has a commercial that takes this idea even further so that they show ordinary people living their lives and doing stuff so that each one has a banky guy trailing him with the hand in his pocket. The news article "Living in a hidden-fee economy" explains more about this fleecing of consumers. One of the Dilbert books talked about "confusopolies" that intentionally make it impossible for consumers to see which one of the competing phone or credit card companies would be the best for them.

If it was up to me, all welfare systems would be ended. The article "Teenage mothers see pregnancy as a 'career move'" from Britain gives one reason why. Although I have to say that I am quite amused to imagine the ambiguous feelings that feminists will get from reading this article.

After reading the post "Lowering the Minimum Wage: Helping Out Those Poor Bottom Feeders" at "Who Moved My Truth?", my only question is why the order handling wasn't moved all the way to India. Oh well, just wait a year or two. Another post, "Big Bad WalMart", makes another obvious observation about objective reality. Third, the post "Thou Dost Protest Too Much, Methinks", examines the folly that is feminism.

Lileks offers us bunch of beautiful pictures from the old Manhattan. Today I walked past a new-looking condo apartment building that I guess was built on top of some old historical church, so they had kept the front of the church and built the condo skyscraper around it. Above the entrance, there was still a sign that said "You shall have no other gods before me". I wonder when this building will be sued for discrimination, or if it already has.

Texas Hold'Em is always a hot topic. The post "The Problem With Poker Odds" at "3 Quarks Daily" asks an interesting question about which of the three pairs of hole cards is the best.

It is really no surprise that evolution deniers in both left and right share the same arguments and hatred of applying evolution to humans, as can be seen in the post "Evolution’s Idiot Stepchild — Evolutionary Psychology".

The post "Interactive Map of the Blogosphere" at "Data Mining" shows an interesting graphical map of the top blogosphere. The site also features other interesting graphs and statistics.

Greg Gutfeld's column "75 questions to ask any progressive!" asks us bluntly

Where are Tookie's kids books on Amazon these days?

The post "Sweden's suicide note" at "Reflecting Light" made me smile when I think of Sweden's future. Serves them right, I think. You know, all you Balles and Olles out there, there are those big boats that sail between Stockholm and Turku on a daily basis, in case you ever feel like moving to some place more hospitable... I am sure that at least the Swedish population already in Finland will welcome you.

I am not sure if the news "As Economic Chaos Sets In, Mugabe Legalises Witchcraft" at "Logical Meme" is genuine or taken from The Onion. Reality-based community, indeed. I stand by my opinion that we should not try to do anything to Cuba, North Korea and Zimbabwe, but instead leave them as they are to remind the future generations about the reality of leftism. Now, if there only was a way to similarly create a feminist state somewhere in the Third World...


This post has been removed by the author.

"The post "Sweden's suicide note" at "Reflecting Light" made me smile when I think of Sweden's future. Serves them right, I think. You know, all you Balles and Olles out there, there are those big boats that sail between Stockholm and Turku on a daily basis, in case you ever feel like moving to some place more hospitable... I am sure that at least the Swedish population already in Finland will welcome you."

I would be happy to welcome ethnic Swedish immigrants from Sweden when Swedish cities all come to look like Malmö or worse. The Muslim invasion of Finland enabled by our own self-hating leftists (and right-wing economists blind to anything but short-term labor supply worries) is still at a very early phase. Finland only has about 20 000 Muslims, about 0.4 percent of the population. Assuming their numbers doubling every 20 years, it will take a century before they become a signifigant minority. By then, they will have shown their cards elsewhere in Europe.

However, before gloating how bad Sweden has it, you should acknowledge that Canada is much farther down the path of dhimmitude than Finland. In Canada, the proportion of Muslim inhabitants is five times greater than that of Finland, and jihad is already active there. In fact, it has come to your very own neighborbood, Missisauga. Canadian press and government dealt with the issue in a totally dhimmified way already. Maybe you will consider moving back to Finland once they start blowing up high rise condos in Missisauga.

"I stand by my opinion that we should not try to do anything to Cuba, North Korea and Zimbabwe, but instead leave them as they are to remind the future generations about the reality of leftism. Now, if there only was a way to similarly create a feminist state somewhere in the Third World..."

There are Cuba, North Korea and Zimbabwe right now, and I don't think they are doing a particularly good job reminding even the current generation about the reality of leftism. A true leftist will just ignore them or claim that they do not implement Marx's ideas properly.

A feminist state cannot be created, because the mainstream feminist movement is basically a form of a loose trade union (whose main purpose as such is to raise prices on the services of its members), and trade unions don't form states, or even try to.

Ethnick swedes would be welcome here. Only problem with them would be language. Now we are steady but slowly getting rid of swedish in schools, but ethnic swedes would probably turn that tide.

If swedes would start moving Finland, would we see "Taas hurri"-headings in newspapers ;)))))

God thank our xenophobic culture...everyone always nags about it but I think it all changes after if bombs start to go off.

Actually I am not pessimistic at all. We have no muslims here and this will not change. Politicians just talk, they want to look good but they really do nothing. If they wanted more immigrants, labour unions would just pull their support from that government and that would be end of mass immigration policy.

People are so intolerant that if somebody really started to flood Finland with uneducated 3rd world immigrants, people would vote Perussuomalaiset (really xenophobic anti-EU-party) to government.

Telling your salary to others basically means entering new status-game, which is, as we all know, zero-sum game.

You can only win if you don't play it.

- Syltty

Re: "women and Mr. Right"

While I agree with your point that there is a double standard, it's true that today women do not make themselves available to meet new guys enough - because it has become more difficult. In the recent past, prior to marriage women dated a lot of men, having sex with a few of them. Today, because of the pressures to have sex early in relationships, women have sex with a greater percentage of men they date, so therefore date far fewer.

Think of the not uncommon modern woman who latches on to one guy fairly quickly in high school, breaks up with him at graduation, latches on to one guy for most of college, breaks up with him at graduation, then latches on to some guy at her new job and marries him. Even if she tried to go out on a lot of dates during the brief periods of being unnattached, she's still hardly mingled with or 'courted' many men at all.

Of course, go back further women didn't date or have sex before marriage. The reason my grandmother married my grandfather for example was to take the place of his first wife, her sister, who died.

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