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Spayed and neutered

Some things are perfectly logical and widely accepted when they are said about mangy animals, but just go on and try applying the exact same logic to defective humans... I remember a few years ago the first time when I read about CRACK, the no-nonsense organization that pays drug users money in exchange of them getting sterilized. (As a funny aside, "K" in the name of the organization stands for "Kommunity", since using K instead of C can make any word wacky.)

It's again been a while since I laughed as hard as when I read the hysterical post "CRACK Comes to Kansas". Funny how quickly those who usually are the loudest to support the complete individual freedom to control your body are the first ones to whine when some ingrates use this freedom to make choices that they don't approve of. Also, assuming that I have now understood this correctly, because some funny German guy who sported a moustache gassed a lot of people sometime during the first half of the previous century, all eugenics will forever be evil, no matter how positive, voluntary and free-market it is. As for the topic of the post itself, I will start respecting women's right to control their bodies and have as many kids as they want the very moment they also start respecting my right to control my body and not force me to pay taxes to support their stupid choices. When you start demanding welfare money from others, you don't get to complain when those others start demanding you to do what they tell you.

And you know, isn't it funny how it is always "her" child, except when she thinks that she could use more money, in which case it become "their" child? I somehow ended up to the blog "Eternal Bachelor". This British blog is very tired of feminism, although it seems to primarily operate from the men's rights and father's rights perspective that is quite different from the anti-socialist perspective that my anti-feminism is based on. And with a wife as good as mine, I don't really feel like I'd want to join the marriage strike. But I can certainly understand the humor of the post "Laughing at spinsters and single mums". And I certainly can't say that I wouldn't be appalled to the idea that after a divorce, the ex-wife is somehow still entitled to the wealth of her productive ex-husband simply because "she is used to it", as reported in the post "Another guy put through the divorce court mangle". The nerve.

The woman featured in the post "Doctor doctor, I'm a great mum, really!" seems like a perfect candidate to get $300 from CRACK. Another post, "Feminisms liberal attitude...towards women only", points out the hypocricy of the femo-socialists when it comes to sterilizing people and deciding who should be allowed to have children. "We want your unwanted babies!" points out a revealing hypocrisy when it comes to bad parents who want to totally give up their responsibilities towards the child. The mother can do this just by dropping off her kid at a certain drop-off point and that's it, but let some "deadbeat dad" try to do the exact same thing with his financial responsibilities... nope. Of course, the entire problem is ultimately due to the simple fact that mothers hold such immensely valuable hostages in form of their kids, and since our present-day society is so very squeamish in taking children away from their mothers and putting them in orphanages, the mother can pretty much do anything she wants and the others just have to pay for it. With the incentives set up like that, it's not difficult to predict what is going to happen.

But I guess that being abandoned by your mother is not the worst thing that can happen to a baby. For example, imagine being born a boy to a feminist mother who raises you on the reality-devoid ideas of Oprah, Deepak Chopra, astrology and those listed in the post "Newsflash: Baby Boys, Not Born Sexist".

On a more light-hearted note, Jabootu's Bad Movie Reviews examines such classics as Madonna's erotic thriller "Body of Evidence" and the turkey classic "Showgirls", which I didn't think was anywhere near as bad as it was made to be. I have seen countless movies who watching gave me a lot less enjoyment.

Speaking of reviewing the treasures of cinema, Mr. "Crunchy Con" Rod Dreher himself notes that "Film critics are not like other people".

Of course, these days all worthwhile video is put on YouTube first. In the article "Eye on YouTube", Daniel Pearl (apparently back from the dead!) examines the thorny copyright issues involved. Judging from sites such as "Top 100 Music Videos of All Time", I think that it's pretty safe to say that copyrights and royalties meant a little with this outfit.

Even though "YouTube Growth Continues To Soar", not all online videos are stored on YouTube quite yet. The video clip "Derren Brown - Waking Dead" shows us an interesting application of hypnosis and the power of suggestion. There is no limit to the human inventiveness.

Steve Sailer has often pointed out how incredibly common cousin marriages are in the Middle Eastern cultures. It is rather strange why the people who snickeringly mock poor rural whites for being "inbred" never seem to say anything about that. When Muslims immigrate to West, their sons are free to "plow the field" with Western women to their heart's content, but their daughters are kept under lock and key for arranged marriages between cousins to bring in more men of the family. In the post "I don't know if this is real or not" Steve explains how some young Muslim woman living in Scotland had found his website via googling and is now asking him for help because she doesn't want to enter the arranged marriage with her cousin from the old homeland and this way bring him to Britain. It might be an interesting experiment to send the essentially same email to various feminist and lefty sites and see what kind of advice they would offer her.


Man, I went to that Seaganschow blog. Are these women for real?

Let's see, allowing males their feelings is somehow "spaying and neutering" them? And something I wrote is so "heavy" that you need to move on to lighter topics?

Um, Deepok and Oprah--your favorite poc to poke fun at?

And as for anonymous. Meet me in person. I'm so real your fillings'll melt.

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