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One thousand and one nights with Ilkkarazade

- Well hello there, you sure look strange. What are you?
- I am a magic genie. Since I am nonphysical, I can't actually do anything or create palaces for you. But I am omniscient and can answer questions, as you can see. You have released me from my captivity, so you can ask me any three questions before I leave. They don't have to be just yes/no questions, and I am honor-bound to give you only true answers.
- All right, can you tell me the winning lottery numbers for the next week?
- Yes.
(long pause)
- All right, I see. This is just like that episode of The Simpsons when Homer and Apu travelled to India to meet the head of Quick-E-Mart corporation. Very well, then. Will you tell me the winning lottery numbers for the next week?
- No.
(the genie waves goodbye and vanishes in a puff of smoke)


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