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An afternoon of poetry with Rev. Ilkkamöller

According to my SiteMeter page, this blog is currently getting well over six hundred hits each day and rising. This is pretty good especially since it was July and most of the my Finnish readers were away in their summer cottages. I am curious to see how the things pick up now that it is August and Finns come back to work, so that they can read my thoughts in their employers' time.

I recently had the idea that my blog might attract an even wider audience if it was more "highbrow" and intellectual. At Protein Wisdom and many other places, the blog proprietors occasionally post short poems and other doggerels that they wrote. So perhaps I could also try my hand in this noble art. The following poem is dedicated to urban leftists such as those who populate the local commie rags Eye and Now, and probably every other similar rag throughout the continent. But unlike these socially conscious and progressive torchbearers of trendy leftism, I will not start hosting porno and escort service ads in my back pages.

First they came...

First they came for the homeless panhandlers,
I remained silent;
I was not a homeless panhandler.

When they locked up the sociopathic thugs,
I remained silent;
I was not a thug.

When they laid off all the trade unionists,
I remained silent;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they took the handouts away from the welfare leeches,
I did not speak out;
I was not a welfare leech.

The remaining people looked around and saw that hey,
life is now pretty good, despite what those shrieking losers had said
there was no one left to make stinky messes over everything good.


Haha, well, nice try at poetry. Had a message at least. :)


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