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I heard the news today, oh boy

As I was watching morning news, I was lazily flipping through the cable grid guide to see what is playing this week. This weekend, The Movie Network will premiere "The Legend of Zorro", and the grid guide summarizes this movie with

Zorro dons his mask to save California from corrupt Europeans, who are attempting to block the future state from becoming a part of the United States.

That sure sounds interesting, like a history lesson that is relevant even today. Speaking of movies, I have to say that I am a bit confused about the new Will Ferrell movie, "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby". When I have seen ads for this movie, apparently it is a comedy about how stupid the racecar crowd and their fans are and how they tend to eat certain stereotypical foods. But in some other ads that I have seen in a couple of American channels, this movie is apparently about a heroic American racecar driver who shows an effete French driver who is the boss. Something fishy is obviously going on around here, and I will not rest until I have found out what it is.

In local news, the article "Missing Boys Safe As Police Standoff With Pedophile Ends Peacefully" informs us that the chase of a known pedophile who had snatched a ten- and a fourteen-year-old boy ended after a ten-hour negotiation in an abandoned farmhouse. Good for them. Funny, it's like a remember reading something about adult men having sex with boys who are only fourteen... damn it, I just don't seem to remember what it might have been... oh, perhaps it wasn't anything important. But let's hope that the Canadian government takes a hard line against the men who want to have sex with teenage boys, and at least makes damn sure that such men won't be working as camp counselors or in other jobs where they would be in unsupervised contact with children.

North America has been scorching under a record-level heat wave, and the Toronto area was not spared either. In fact, it has recently been so hot around here that "IESO Extends Power Warning As Heat Wave Continues" as the demand for electricity is peaking. Hey, this might be a good time to shut down all nuclear reactors in Ontario, just like those greens and environmentalists are always demanding. To cover up for this, well, turning off the AC from all those cranky grannies sure would save more than just a few "negawatts"! After all, isn't it irresponsible to keep running such dangerous and unproven technology in our short-sighted rat race for a higher material standard of living so that we could buy more crap? Wouldn't everybody be happier if we lived more like all those enlightened primitives, naturally and authentically respecting the feminine side of humanity under the loving gaze of Mother Nature?

As I wrote earlier, I am rooting for the global warming to take place, since I see it as such a cosmically poetic justice towards all environmentalists and their scare tactics to oppose the clean and efficient nuclear power. Since the only real alternative to nuclear energy is burning hydrocarbons in their various forms, opposition to nuclear power means being objectively for coal, gas and oil, which means global warming. Here in the rich Ontario and pretty much the whole Canada in general, global warming is unlikely to have any bad effects and will mostly improve the general quality of life, so I delight in imagining how some leftist activist who, with a ciggy hanging from his pierced lip while he tells us all about how nuclear electricity causes cancer and how a single nuclear accident would destroy all human life, finds out what the global warming will do to his beloved Third World. To which, despite all his talk, he is no hurry to actually relocate.

1 comment

Great article! Just a dumb engineer, but I appreciated it greatly.

Couldn't get to the Steve Dutch article re: the worlds most toxic value system. Any chance of a new link?

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