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Two for the money

What the Bulletproof Pimp is to Philippines, the proprietor of "Sex and Shanghai" is to China. He is a little bit more explicit about the details of his exploits, though. But you can't argue with the numbers, though, when the fortysomething white man had had one sexual partner before moving to China and then twenty soon after that.

Just like there is "Waiter Rant" for waiters, "Club Life" for bouncers and "Stripper FAQ" and "Pretty Dumb Things" for strippers, there is also "Cocktail Doll" for Vegas cocktail waitresses. Speaking of Vegas, the site "Vegas Today and Tomorrow" showcases the construction and planning that is currently going on in that boom town. Last night when we went out for a walk, I thought that Mississauga looks rather boring to me now and it could also use some of these projects. Hey, there is still plenty of room available here in the city center.


I've been an avid reader of your blog for quite awhile.

欲 望上海 (Sex and Shanghai) would also nicecly translate (maybe even so intended by the author) into English: Sex upon the Sea... [欲望 = (sexual) desire, lust, passion; 上 = on, upon; 海 = sea, ocean]

But now I am digressing.

I just wanted to let you know: Many are reading though few deem it necessary to comment... ;-)

Greetings from Roi, Lapland.


Fuck U

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