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And now, a word from our betters

I have occasionally heard that the American educational system is in the skids, but I never really had an idea of how ignorant of history and the rest of the world some Americans can be. When I wrote in the comments of an earlier post that during the twentieth century, socialists killed about a hundred million people and condemned billions of others to live under a tyranny of poverty and misery that we can't even imagine today, certain American socialists took umbrage of this and automatically assumed that I was talking about nazis, "national socialists". Silly me, trying to claim that Nazis were socialists! It's almost like these people are unaware of the horrors that naturally follow from socialism, and they imagine socialism to be some kind of hippy camp where they could all be revolutionary guerillas led by some charismatic Che Guevara.

Of course, in that comment I was not referring to Nazis at all but to all those nations in which socialism actually was implemented for real, with uniformly disastrous results that anyone who has heard of economic calculation problem could predict. I guess that America has simply sheltered its people so well that they are unaware that out there in the real world, we don't have to just "Imagine" what socialism would be like in reality, and dream that when socialists have the power, it will all turn out just like Emma Goldman promised. At least you'd think that all Americans would have heard of a nation called "Soviet Union", and some might also vaguely recognize the names "Cambodia" and "Albania" and "DDR", to understand why thinking people tend to consider "socialist" a dirty word, but I guess that that was so long ago that they have already forgotten, at least this younger generation. Perhaps life under the surveillance of the friendly central planner would indeed be better and more productive for them.

In other, perhaps more interesting news, we see that when you are a member of a protected minority, you are allowed to say certain things that your more... boring fellow middle-class comrades are simply not allowed to discuss, especially when your own life would be in the line if you had to remain silent and politically correct: "Study: Nearly half of African-American men who have sex with men are HIV-positive". You'd think that a statistic like this would be front-page news everywhere, but apparently not. The quote "One of the main reasons for putting off HIV antibody testing, according to CDC researchers, was a fear of getting an HIV-positive test result" added to the headline "Lying about HIV: Is it a crime?" in the magazine sidebar lend support (at least when read between the lines) to my belief that the hypothesis that I presented in the post "Spider Ilkkasalem and the scum of the land" about why gays continue to be so vastly overrepresented in the HIV statistics is essentially correct. Once a sexually active gay man finds out that he is HIV-positive, do you think that he will give up all that hot sex and become celibate, or at least inform all his potential hookups about his status rather than plunging in? Would you bet your life on this assumption?

Anyway, it was their words, not mine, so don't take me as a homophobic or racist bigot. Between their trysts and hookups, gay men tend to serve a useful role in society when they work as urban trailblazers in gentrifying and thus improving ugly neighbourhoods and at the same time integrating racial groups. I have often wondered how stupid people can mistake The Onion articles for real news articles or opinion columns, but when I first read "Sometimes I Feel Like I'm The Only One Trying To Gentrify This Neighborhood" through Steve Sailer, I didn't even see coming that it was from The Onion until I saw the link at the end of the post.

Perhaps I have been reading the local free rags Eye and Now too often, because the tone in that article really wasn't that different from what those papers routinely offer. The only thing missing in that Onion article is a complaint about the local movie theater that basically ignores all those movies that people might actually want to pay to see, while devoting at least a whole page or two to whatever obscure indie or foreign movie with a serious social message is currently playing. Somebody could perhaps write a handbook for these people in the spirit of the classic "The Official Preppy Handbook". Oh no, I guess somebody already did: "The Hipster Handbook".


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